Teller Report

Trump profaned the values ​​and principles that made America a beacon to the world

11/1/2020, 10:09:30 PM

The country that elected President Donald Trump in 2016 was unhappy and divided, and this country, if re-elected, will remain more unhappy and divided, after nearly four years of his presidency, politics has become more fraught with anger than it was before, and the two parties. More

Biden is the best option

Trump profaned the values ​​and principles that made America a beacon to the world

Biden pledged to rebuild better.


The country that elected President Donald Trump in 2016 was unhappy and divided, and this country, if re-elected, will remain more unhappy and divided, after nearly four years of his presidency, politics has become more fraught with anger than it was before, and the two parties More chaos, and daily life has become more dangerous in light of a pandemic that recorded nearly 230,000 deaths, while the country is plunged into waves of quarrels, deceptive feelings and lies.

Trump does more than that, and his victory, tomorrow, wipes everything out.

Joe Biden is not a magic cure for what America is suffering, but he is an honest man who will restore fortitude and civility to the White House, and he is ready to start the long and difficult task of reuniting a torn country. That is why if we are going to vote, our voice should go to Joe.

King Donald Trump

Without "Covid-19", Trump's policies would have earned him a second term, as his record at home includes tax cuts, the abolition of controls and the appointment of a large number of conservative judges. Before the epidemic, wages among the poorest categories of workers were growing at 4.7% annually, and confidence reached In small companies, close to their peak in 30 years, and by restricting immigration, he gave his voters what they wanted, and abroad, his approach brought about some welcome change. America defeated the terrorist organization "ISIS", and brokered peace agreements between Israel and three Arab countries, and some allies became allies. North Atlantic (NATO), at last, is spending more on defense, and the Chinese government realizes that the White House now considers it a great adversary.

On the other hand, these achievements had negative consequences, as the tax cuts were regressive, the removal of some restrictions was harmful, especially to the environment, and the attempt to reform health care was a disaster, and the immigration officials' act to severely separate migrant children from their parents was an inhuman act, and the restrictions would lead Imposed on newcomers to drain America's vitality, and with regard to intractable problems - about North Korea and Iran, and about peace in the Middle East - Trump's performance was no better than the "Washington establishment" that he likes to mock.

In the past four years, Trump has repeatedly desecrated the values, principles, and practices that have made America a haven for its people and a beacon to the world.

Those who accuse Biden of the same thing, or worse, should stop and think, those who bully and bully Trump and his lies like so many tweets ignore the damage he's done.

President Joe

Biden's pledge to "build back better" will be of great value, and his tax increases for companies and the wealthy will pay off big, but not punitive. He will seek to rebuild America's dilapidated infrastructure, provide more health and education and allow more immigration, and his climate change policy will help. In research and technology to boost jobs, he hears expert advice, even when it's inappropriate, and he's less confrontational than Trump, but he's more assertive.

Hesitant Republicans are concerned that Biden will become a Trojan horse for the hard-left, it is true that the radical wing of his party is moving, but he and Kamala Harris, chosen by his deputy, have shown that they are able to control him. Republicans, but a big victory for the Democrats there would add to the dominance of moderate centrists over the Radicals in Congress.

Contempt for the truth

The most striking feature of Trump's presidency is his contempt for the truth, all politicians are elusive, but his administration has made "alternative claims." Nothing Trump says, including his claim that Biden is corrupt, is unbelievable, and his Republican fans feel obligated to defend him as he does He says, regardless of whether it is true or false.

Partisanship and lying undermine norms and institutions, this may seem difficult. Trump voters, after all, love his willingness to offend, but the system of checks and balances in America has been imbalanced. Those convicted of serious crimes, he gives his family top jobs in the White House, and he offers protection to foreign governments in exchange for throwing filth on their rivals. When a president questions the integrity of an election just because it might lead to his loss, he undermines the democracy he is sworn to defend.

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