Teller Report

Trump'broad campaign' vs. Biden'choice and focus'... A last-minute all-out war

11/1/2020, 9:33:02 PM

Now, the US presidential election is two days ahead of local time. With the atmosphere becoming more heated than ever, President Trump is taking a distinctive rage and Biden is fighting a last-minute all-out war with a strategy of choice and focus.


The US presidential election is now two days ahead of local time.

With the atmosphere becoming more heated than ever, President Trump is taking a distinctive rage and Biden is fighting a last-minute all-out war with a strategy of choice and focus.

Correspondent Kim Yoon-soo from Washington reports.


President Trump started his campaign in Michigan this morning (2nd).

[Trump/U.S. President: Now two days left?

Two days later, we'll be victorious again in the US state of time.]

Then we moved straight to Iowa.

Next, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida at 11 p.m. to finish the campaign.

It is a wide campaign that runs through the northern Rustbelt and southern Sunbelt five states in one day.

It is to continue the strong march until the end as re-election is possible only after winning all the core competitions.

After yesterday, Biden focused on the northern Rustbelt.

It is based on the judgment that it is possible to win just by defeating the core competitors of Rust Belt, which maintains a slight gap with President Trump compared to the sun belt, which is a very close match.

In particular, I decided to run a last weekend campaign in my hometown of Pennsylvania.

At Sunbelt, Vice President Harris was on the verge and appealed for participation in the last minute voting.

[Harris/US Democratic Vice President Candidate: Our strength will be expressed through our vote.

We will not be blocked, put aside, or forced to be silent.] With the

presidential atmosphere overheating, clashes are continuing everywhere, and on the day of the presidential election, large gatherings are scheduled here in Washington, DC and other major cities. There seems to be great confusion.   

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