Teller Report

Isila on the top of Bani Yas: the historical figures are there for those who come to break them

11/1/2020, 10:09:07 PM

The coach of the Bani Yas team, the Romanian Daniel Isela, defended his team’s top of the schedule of the Arab Gulf Football League competition, and said that he is proud of what the Al-Samawi players have offered so far to achieve victories in the first three rounds in a row, as the first time in the team’s history since the beginning of

Isila on the top of Bani Yas: the historical figures are there for those who come to break them

Daniel Isela.

From the source

The coach of the Bani Yas team, the Romanian Daniel Isila, defended his team’s top of the ranking table of the Arab Gulf League football competition, and said that he is proud of what the Al-Samawi players have offered so far to achieve victories in the first three rounds in a row, for the first time in the team’s history since the beginning of its participation. Within the professional league clubs, pointing out that the historical figures are found for those who break them.

Esila said, in response to a question by Emirates Today about the team’s leadership in the ranking table: “I am proud of the team’s players and what they offer. For me, the historical figures were found for someone else to come to break them, and I definitely trust my team players, as it is not easy to fight "Strong in a short period of time, but we have to always enjoy the challenges, which is not difficult for my players."

The Romanian coach had led Al-Samawi to the best start in the history of his participation in the Arab Gulf League, after the team scored the full score (9 points) under his leadership in the first three, which did not happen over the course of the 10 seasons that the team fought between professional clubs.

Isila reduced the confrontation of tomorrow, which brings them together with the Al-Jazira team, and said that it does not represent the first real test for his team, which faced Al Wasl, Fujairah and Khorfakkan respectively, and said: “The Al-Jazira match is not the first real test, because there is no strong and easy challenge, you have to "You find weaknesses in the opposing team and exploit them. Certainly every club has weaknesses, and we will enter the Al Jazeera confrontation with this strategy."

Isila ruled out that his focus is only on stopping the danger of the duo, Ali Mabkhout and Khalfan Mubarak, and said: "Al-Jazira is a good team, and they have good players, their offensive way, and they play patiently, and move well on the field."

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