Teller Report

In France, the attack was called the purpose of the arrival of the suspect in the attack in Nice

11/1/2020, 5:41:44 PM

A Tunisian born in 1999, suspected of a knife attack in the Notre Dame church in Nice, came to France to carry out the attack, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanen said in an interview with La Voix du Nord.

“He clearly came to kill.

How else to explain why, as soon as he arrived, he armed himself with several knives, ”Sud Ouest quotes him.

The minister added that the counterterrorism attorney must determine when the suspect may have drawn up a plan for the attack.

According to him, the man left Tunisia in mid-September, where he lived with his family, and arrived in Europe.

The suspect has a criminal record of violence and drugs.

On October 29, three people were killed in an attack on parishioners in a church in central Nice.

French President Emmanuel Macron called the incident a terrorist attack.

Later it became known that a person from Tunisia was suspected of the attack, who entered Italy through the island of Lampedusa on September 20, and arrived in Paris on October 9.

After the arrest, they found a knife, a Koran and two mobile phones.

In addition, two more knives were found in the church.

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