Teller Report

Germany and France implement a nationwide blockade, Europe once again becomes the “epicenter” of the global epidemic

11/1/2020, 10:59:56 PM

Germany and France implement a nationwide blockade, Europe once again becomes the “epicenter” of the global epidemic   This week, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia worldwide has exceeded 45 million. On the 29th, the number of new cases worldwide reached 479,000, half of which came from Europe. WHO experts warned that Europe has once again become the "epicenter" of

Germany and France implement a nationwide blockade, Europe once again becomes the “epicenter” of the global epidemic

  This week, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia worldwide has exceeded 45 million.

On the 29th, the number of new cases worldwide reached 479,000, half of which came from Europe.

WHO experts warned that Europe has once again become the "epicenter" of the global epidemic.

  Ryan, Executive Director of WHO's Health Emergency Program: Last week, 46% of confirmed cases and one-third of deaths in the world came from Europe. Europe is undoubtedly at the epicenter of the new crown epidemic.

  Looking at the epidemic curve, recently, the number of new cases in a single day in many European countries has increased rapidly.

  According to the epidemic chart released by the WHO, the green pillar representing the number of new cases has already greatly exceeded the peak of the first wave of the epidemic in this spring, and the black curve representing the number of deaths has also continued to rise recently.

This brings deep anxiety.

  Germany's implementation of "strict foot ban" laboratory testing capacity is close to saturation

  German Chancellor Merkel: It is forbidden to provide entertainment, bars, discos and such places will be closed.

  The German media described the new measures as "severe bans."

From November 2nd, bars, theaters, cinemas, gyms and other places will be closed. The catering industry only retains take-out services. Public places prohibit gatherings of more than two families and more than 10 people. Professional sports events such as Bundesliga can be without audience Under the circumstances.

The lockdown measures will last for one month.

  The Associated Press noted that in the previous two weeks, Merkel had repeatedly urged the German people to reduce social activities to control the epidemic, but the effect was not obvious.

  On the day before the lockdown decision was made, the number of new cases in a single day in Germany reached 14,964, another record since the outbreak.

The main person in charge of the epidemic prevention in Germany and Minister of Health Spun also confirmed the infection on the 21st and is currently quarantining at home.

  The largest medical laboratory in the state of Rhineland-Palatinate and one of Germany's four major new coronavirus testing centers can perform thousands of tests every day.

Due to the substantial increase in the number of infections in recent weeks, the laboratory's testing capacity has approached saturation.

  Hartz, head of the medical laboratory: Now some of our small and medium-sized subsidiaries are already at their limits or at full capacity.

  Currently, 75% of infections in Germany cannot be traced to the source.

According to the research model of the Robert Koch Institute, the German disease control agency, if this situation continues, the number of new infections will double every 7 to 10 days; after 3 to 4 weeks, the number of new infections will double every day. The number of infections will exceed 100,000.

France implements the second national blockade, the two-line combat against terrorism

  France is also in a difficult situation. Also on the 28th, French President Macron announced the second national lockdown order since the outbreak in a national television speech.

  French President Macron: After communicating with EU partners and weighing the pros and cons, I decided that starting from Friday (30th), we need to resume blockade measures to prevent the spread of the new crown virus.

The entire territory of France will be affected, and overseas territories will be adjusted accordingly.

  From October 30th, all places in France that can receive the public will be closed, including restaurants, shopping malls, cinemas, etc.; all non-essential travel is prohibited, travel certificates are required for work, medical treatment, purchase of daily necessities, etc.; private individuals are prohibited Gatherings and public gatherings; blockade measures will last until at least December 1.

  Macron warned that the current spread of the new coronavirus in France is faster than expected, and the second wave of epidemics may be more deadly than the first.

  On October 30, France officially entered the first day of a nationwide blockade.

  Our reporter Jiang Hua: On the first day of the lockdown, we came to the main road in Paris. There was still a lot of traffic on the Champs Elysées. This is the biggest difference between this lockdown and the last one. People who work try to work as much as possible, and on the sidewalk next to us, we find that the number of pedestrians is only one percent or even less.

This is another feature of this lockdown, allowing people to gather as little as possible.

  The “Parisian” called on the front page to “stay at home and obey the rules”.

The French newspaper La Liberation lamented that this is an "endless day."

  Just three days before the blockade measures were announced, on October 25, the number of new cases in a single day in France exceeded 50,000, setting a new record again.

  "Le Figaro" noted that although France has implemented a wide range of curfew measures before, the epidemic situation has not improved.

In the 7 days from the 19th to the 25th, the number of new cases per day rose from 13,243 to 52010.

  The Chairman of the French Scientific Committee, Del Frasi: The (official) number of confirmed cases in a single day exceeds 50,000, and according to the estimation of the Scientific Committee, this number is close to 100,000.

  On the day that the blockade order was announced on the 28th, severe traffic congestion occurred in the Greater Paris area, and the congested traffic flow exceeded 300 kilometers at one time.

Local media analysis believes that a large number of people are eager to leave Paris before the blockade measures take effect.

  On October 24, in the northeastern city of Strasbourg, the open-air bar on the street in the evening was very lively.

Some people gathered together, drinking and chatting without masks.

But in the hospital in Strasbourg, there was a totally different tension.

  The head of the intensive care unit, Meziani: The number of confirmed cases is increasing, and the intensive care unit has been overwhelmed, almost reaching a level similar to Paris and Lille.

  On the morning of October 27, there was a shortage of beds in the intensive care unit of hospitals in the Loire Valley and other regions, and many critically ill patients urgently needed to be transferred for treatment.

On October 28, the French government mobilized military aircraft to help transport critically ill patients to areas with less medical pressure.

"The Wall Street Journal" believes that France has actually become the center of the second wave of new crown epidemics in Europe.

  On October 29, when French Prime Minister Castel briefed the French National Assembly on the details of the second national blockade, he was interrupted by the terrible news of the terrorist attack.

In a church in the center of Nice in the southeastern city, a 21-year-old Tunisian immigrant madly attacked people with a knife, killing three people and injuring many others.

  French Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office Prosecutor Ricard: Three people were killed. Two of the remains were found in the church. A 60-year-old woman found at the entrance had her throat deeply cut, as if beheaded.

  Previously, on October 16, Paris high school teacher Patty was killed and beheaded by extremists outside the school.

The Nice Church attack is the second terrorist attack in France in two weeks.

  French President Macron: This morning, we decided to raise the alert level across France to deal with terrorist threats.

  On the 29th, the anti-terrorism alert level across France was raised to the highest level.

  In Paris, Nice and other places, a large number of people held rallies against extremism despite the social ban.

Analysts believe that the combination of a severe epidemic and anti-terrorism pressure has brought even more daunting challenges to the French government that needs to fight on two fronts.

Italy's medical system urges people to worry about their future lives

  On the evening of October 25, about 200 demonstrators clashed with the police in Piazza del Popolo, the capital of Rome.

The demonstrators fired a large number of fireworks at the police. The police responded with tear gas and high-pressure water cannons. Witnesses said that the scene was full of fire and the air was filled with a pungent smell.

  Similar protests also occurred in Milan, Turin, Naples and other places. The cause was a series of new epidemic control measures issued by the Italian government earlier that day.

  Italian Prime Minister Conte: On October 25th, gyms, swimming pools, spas will be closed, game halls, dance halls, amusement parks will also be closed, of course, discos will also be closed.

  According to the new regulations, from 0:00 on October 26 to November 24, leisure and entertainment venues such as movie theaters and concert halls in Italy will be closed; bars, cafes, restaurants, etc. are prohibited from operating after 6 pm; for 75% of high schools Students take online teaching; various meetings, weddings and funerals are suspended.

  According to Prime Minister Conte, the government has begun to implement telecommuting in the public administration and strongly recommends that the private sector do the same.

  Recently, the curve of new cases in Italy has seen a steep rise. On October 30, the number of new cases exceeded 31,000 for the first time, setting a new record.

  Guimel Hospital is the second largest admission center for patients with new coronary pneumonia in the capital Rome. The 200 intensive care unit beds in the hospital are currently almost full.

  Hospital director Cambieri: We are almost saturated. There are almost no beds in the intensive care unit, and there are very few beds in the general ward.

  At the San Filippo Nelli Hospital in Rome, due to the shortage of manpower, the nurses in the intensive care unit often work overtime, and the head nurse has to repeatedly remind them to pay attention to shifts.

  In the past two months, 5,032 medical staff in the Italian medical system have been infected with new coronary pneumonia, and an average of about 80 people are infected every day.

  At the Sacco Hospital in Milan, due to lack of medical staff, some patients with other diseases cannot be admitted to the hospital for treatment. Medical experts said that if the current epidemic worsens, the medical system in Milan will soon be on the verge of collapse.

  On one side is the medical system that is on the brink of emergency, and on the other side is ordinary people’s worries about their future lives.

  Rome restaurant waiter: We abide by all the anti-epidemic rules and don't understand why the restaurant should be closed at 6pm.

  Milan restaurant owner: This will be a disaster, if they (the government) do not help us, Milan's restaurant industry will die.

  On October 27, Italian Prime Minister Conte announced a subsidy decree worth more than 5 billion euros to subsidize practitioners severely affected by regulatory measures such as catering, sports and fitness, entertainment, and tourism.

He once again emphasized that only by strictly complying with the epidemic prevention rules can we avoid falling into a nationwide blockade.

  Italian Prime Minister Conte: Otherwise, we will have to implement a major blockade.

We hope to avoid this situation anyway.

Because we can't afford it.

  According to data released by the World Health Organization, as of 14:06, October 31, Central European Time, there were a total of 45,428,731 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia worldwide, and a total of 1,185,721 deaths.