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Dubai Military Human Resources issues scientific support system for affiliates

11/1/2020, 10:11:01 PM

The Dubai Military Human Resources Committee issued Resolution No. (11) of 2020 regarding the system of care and scientific support for military personnel, according to the Secretary-General of the Committee, Colonel Dr. Ahmed Al Shehhi, who explained that the decision includes 60 articles distributed into nine chapters, and aims to qualify the best cadres

It issued a scientific support system that includes 60 articles

Dubai Military Human Resources issues scientific support system for affiliates

Ahmed Al-Shehhi: “The new system deals with scientifically caring for high school graduates and training them professionally and technically.”

The Dubai Military Human Resources Committee issued Resolution No. (11) of 2020 regarding the system of care and scientific support for military personnel, according to the Secretary-General of the Commission, Colonel Dr. Ahmed Al Shehhi, who explained that the decision includes 60 articles distributed into nine chapters, and aims to qualify the best human cadres Patriotism, and the optimal investment in the future generation, by organizing images and methods of scientific support for them before their appointment in the military departments.

Al-Shehhi said, “The new system deals with all matters related to care and scientific support, and includes the scholarship of affiliates and the dispatch of candidates, study leave of all kinds prescribed in the law, scientific care for high school graduates, and their professional and technical training, in addition to everything related to administrative supervision of the affairs of the beneficiaries of the system. From the administrative, financial, and academic aspects, following up on their academic and regulatory affairs, and organizing all matters related to the financial rights of the beneficiaries of the system in accordance with the legislation in force, and after coordination with the Finance Department of the Government of Dubai.

He added that the system specified the conditions that must be met for sending candidates, scholarships for associates, sponsoring high school graduates, and granting academic leave, in addition to the requirements that must be met in educational institutions and the educational program, as well as the maximum period of time determined for each educational program, and the period of study leave to obtain the qualification. Or the degree.

He explained that he also dealt with the obligations imposed on the department, identified the beneficiaries of the system during the mission, dispatch or care, and stipulated all the administrative procedures and penalties established as a result of breaching those obligations, and stated that the system also established the powers of the "Scientific Support Committee" in the military departments, and includes better identification The educational institutions delegated to it, in coordination with the concerned organizational unit, in the government department concerned with scholarships in the state, determining the department's needs for care and scientific support in light of financial appropriations, and selecting the most suitable candidates for the scientific care and support system according to the principles and criteria set by the committee before announcing the needs in accordance with the provisions of law and order .

He explained that the department may summon the scholarship student and the student in the sponsorship system for its summer training, unless he is enrolled in summer courses, and the system also took into account empowering people of determination with minor disabilities, caring for and supporting them scientifically, and preparing an inclusive environment for work.

He pointed out that the Dubai Military Human Resources Committee has adopted a unified form for contracts related to scholarship, sponsorship, or dispatch, and it is obligated to verify the eligibility of the sending party or its legal representative and guardian, and the department may also conclude an agreement attached to the contract with the beneficiary regarding the ownership of inventions and the financial right of the works. During the period of care and scientific support, in accordance with the legislation in force in the emirate.

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