Teller Report

Annie Lööf: Lövfen is wrong about a new reading investigation

11/1/2020, 7:41:44 PM

The so-called las investigation was scrapped and Stefan Löfven (S) now instead wants the agreement between the employers and the white-collar unions to form the basis for a new investigation. At the same time, LO must be given the right to comment, despite the fact that they have rejected the agreement. - Löfven is wrong, counters partner Annie Lööf (C).

In Sunday's Agenda, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven claims LO's right to have its say on labor law - despite the fact that they are outside the agreement between the two other negotiating parties, the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and the salaried employees' union PTK.

This has caused the center leader Annie Lööf to react.

- That the policy should give a party who did not take responsibility in the party negotiations influence is of course excluded, she writes in an email to SVT News.

According to Lööf, there are now two ways to what she calls increased security and flexibility in the labor market: Either the whole is implemented in the party agreement that the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and the Private Employees' Cartel have agreed to, and which more people are happy to join.

Otherwise, the so-called Toijer investigation applies.

- Just as we agreed in the January agreement.

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