Teller Report

A Scottish coach attacks Mohamed Salah after Liverpool's victory

11/1/2020, 6:11:38 AM

West Ham coach David Moyes accused Egyptian star Mohamed Salah of diving, after receiving a penalty kick during a West Ham match against Liverpool in the English Premier League, which ended with the Reds winning 2-1 and temporarily snatching the lead. Minute

A Scottish coach attacks Mohamed Salah after Liverpool's victory

West Ham coach David Moyes accused Egyptian star Mohamed Salah of diving, after receiving a penalty kick during the West Ham match against Liverpool in the English Premier League, which ended with the Reds winning 2-1 and taking the lead temporarily.

And Mohamed Salah had received a kick in the 42nd minute and kicked it, and the referee did not suspend the video technique or interfere in the decision, which came as a result of the friction of a West Ham defender with Mohamed Salah.

Moyes said in a press statement after the match: “We played a good match against Liverpool, and the referee’s decisions were not in our favor, and we could have come out with a point even in front of the opponent. I don’t think that the penalty kick that Liverpool got was correct. Mohamed Salah threw himself on the ground, and I was I am waiting for the referee to display a yellow card to represent him, but he surprised me by announcing a penalty. ”

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