Teller Report

What is the significance of the third CIIE?

10/29/2020, 3:59:48 AM

(The 3rd CIIE) What is the significance of the 3rd CIIE?   China News Service, Shanghai, October 29 (Gao Zhimiao) The third China International Import Expo will arrive on November 5 as scheduled. Under the background of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the CIIE will be held as scheduled. Say, what is the meaning?   Suning, deputy director of the International Political Economy R

(The 3rd CIIE) What is the significance of the 3rd CIIE?

  China News Service, Shanghai, October 29 (Gao Zhimiao) The third China International Import Expo will arrive on November 5 as scheduled. Under the background of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the CIIE will be held as scheduled. Say, what is the meaning?

  Suning, deputy director of the International Political Economy Research Office of the Institute of World Economics, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said in an interview with a reporter from China News Agency, “Under the background that countries are plagued by the epidemic and their economies are generally negative The flow of people provides a market and also provides economic support for countries’ anti-epidemic. This is a special “public goods” to some extent.”

  Wang Jian, director of the Institute of International Studies of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said that in the post-epidemic period, the ability to hold the CIIE offline reflects that China has indeed achieved significant results in the "anti-epidemic" aspect.

"The epidemic has caused some problems on the global industrial chain and supply chain, including the safety of medical products. In this process, the CIIE can further bring various manufacturers together and discuss solutions together."

  It is of special significance to hold the third CIIE with high quality as scheduled, which will help realize the strategy of expanding domestic demand, promote the in-depth integration and interaction of the two resources of the domestic and international markets, and will also better serve the domestic cycle as the main body , The new development pattern of domestic and international dual-cycle mutual promotion, China’s Vice Minister of Commerce and Director of China International Import Expo Bureau Wang Bingnan said recently.

  Sun Lixing, director of the International Investment Research Office of the Institute of World Economics, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the third CIIE will become an important carrier for building a new pattern of "dual cycles".

"In terms of demand escalation, it (CIIE) is an'engine' that promotes internally and externally; in terms of supply, it is an'propeller' that promotes internally and externally; in terms of financial opening, it is an'accelerator' that promotes internally and externally."

  Sun Lixing emphasized that the third CIIE will continue to expand imports. This is a major practical breakthrough and innovation in China's opening up.

"China is a big trading country. To move from a big trading country to a strong trading country, expanding imports is the only way."

  Wang Jian also stated that the CIIE is a "sworn platform" for China to open up and promote global development policies, a platform for exchanges of ideas to condense and promote globalization in the right direction, and a "big gathering".

"For the development of globalization, China has always said that there must be greater tolerance and sharing. We are not only importing technologies from many advanced countries, but also a platform to show to many developing countries, so that more countries can use the platform of CIIE. Realize sharing."

  The CIIE is a world-class "meeting room". "Foreign investment needs to understand the situation of the host country. Through the convening of the CIIE, foreign investors can'seeing is believing'. Now our increasingly optimized business environment will make it easier for foreign investors to trade in Shanghai and China. The CIIE is not a solo but a'chorus', a'chorus' with the world." Sun Lixing pointed out. (Finish)