Teller Report

The most precious chair: 120 million euros to be president of Barcelona

10/29/2020, 1:09:40 AM

The main private institution in Catalonia well deserves one of the most open battles since Josep Lluís Núñez took over the presidency of Barcelona in the first

  • Profile.

    Bartomeu's crooked smile: the rise and fall of a president

  • Unknowns.

    New president, terms, elections ... What is going to happen from now on in Barcelona?

  • Opinion.

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The main private institution in Catalonia well deserves one of the most open battles since

Josep Lluís Núñez

took over the presidency of Barcelona in the club's first democratic elections (1978).

A dispute in which the political and economic powers will plan on the stage, no matter how much the history of the entity already warns of the special idiosyncrasy of an entity of proprietary partners, not shareholders.

The ability to mobilize in social networks -t

al and as has been demonstrated with the 19,380 signatures validated in the vote of no confidence against the board of the resigned

Josep Maria Bartomeu

-, and the assets of the applicants will define the fight.Whoever intends to assume the presidency of Barcelona should know that, in addition to the statutes requiring a minimum seniority of 10 years as a partner, they must present together with their board of directors a bank guarantee that reach 15% of the spending budget, as ordered by Law 10/1990, of October 15, on Sports.

The budget for operating expenses drawn up by the Bartomeu board - but not yet approved by an assembly postponed by the pandemic - reaches 796 million euros.

Therefore, the presidential candidates would have to be able to present bank guarantees worth 119.4 million euros. It is the usual response of the pre-candidates to ensure that there are always formulas to obtain a guarantee of similar characteristics.

Although there are also those who try to take advantage of the media platform of the electoral race to promote their figure.

Being aware of the real impossibility of accessing the position.

4,596 signatures required

Another of the great drawbacks of the applicants will be to collect the 4,596 signatures necessary to be proclaimed candidates, during a pre-campaign without face-to-face events with the supporters' clubs, so often decisive, and the impossibility of collecting signatures in a Camp Nou closed to the public. preparing your candidacy

Victor Font

, one of the main favorites.

Businessman linked to the telecommunications sector and founder shareholders of the newspaper


-the one who has promised to dissociate himself if he wins-, he has the letter of

Xavi Hernandez


Either as a manager, or as a coach.

He denies that he has identified himself as a "proactive independence activist" and often repeats that he will not use the club as a political tool. Sovereignty has not articulated any unitary candidacy to reach the presidential chair of Barcelona, ​​no matter how much Joan Canadell, president, has been claiming of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona.

The ex-president

Joan Laporta

(2003-2010), defeated by Bartomeu in 2015, it was always a free verse beyond his personal friendship with Carles Puigdemont.

Laporta, with his usual commandments (Cruyff and La Masia), will fight with Víctor Font votes from the same spectrum.On the other side of the ideological ocean, a candidacy has been preparing that he hopes to lead who was president of the CEOE (2010-2018) and of Public Works of Labor (1995-2011),

Juan Rosell


He has been threatening to take the step for years, and even today he continues to ponder the final decision.

The former Barça vice president

Emili rousaud

, who resigned from Barcelona after exploding the


, seeks to unite sensitivities to weave a transversal candidacy that can present a battle.The great unknown continues to be what role the former president will adopt

Sandro Rosell,

that he promised to "influence" the elections.

Who should be his candidate, the former president of the Catalan Football Federation

Jordi Roche

, has convinced himself that this is not the time.

Toni Freixa

, who was spokesperson and secretary of the board with Rosell and Bartomeu, defines himself as a "continuator, not a continuist."

As a candidate in 2015, when he obtained more signatures from partners than votes, Freixa has been an active part of the environment for five years.

Scenario also known to the businessman

Agustí Benedito

, who is trying for the third time despite seeing how his image was worn down after his motion attempt failed in 2017. “With the resignation of Bartomeu it is as if he won the League.

But I want to win the Champions League ».

So is

Jordi Farré

, a businessman with a sweeping personality who promoted the vote of no confidence against Bartomeu and his board.

Impulsive and with a high media presence in recent weeks, he did not pass the signature cut in the 2015 elections. He declares himself to be independent, but maintains that his project does not involve politicizing the club.

Lluís Fernàndez Alà

, candidate in 2019 for the primaries for the mayor of Sant Cugat for Demòcrates per Catalunya, is another of the official candidates.

Hope to be soon

Xavi Vilajoana

, who last Tuesday resigned as a manager along with Bartomeu.

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