Teller Report

Semak explained the replacement of Dziuba after the first half of the Champions League match with Borussia

10/28/2020, 11:11:54 PM

The head coach of Zenit St. Petersburg Sergei Semak commented on the replacement of the striker and team captain Artem Dziuba after the first half of the match of the second round of the UEFA Champions League group stage with Borussia Dortmund.

“What is the reason for Dziuba's replacement?

To diversify the game, the defenders won the fight against Artyom, but Mostovy still needs to gain experience, there is still a lot of work, "Match TV quotes Semak.

Dziuba was replaced after the break.

Andrei Mostovoy entered the field instead.

Earlier, Sergei Semak expressed the opinion that the penalty ruined the course of the game between Zenit and Borussia.

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