Teller Report

France demands an immediate end to the Muslim boycott of its products

10/25/2020, 7:29:52 PM

France demanded this Sunday that the calls for a boycott of its products that have proliferated in countries with a Muslim majority in the Middle East by those of

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France demanded this Sunday that the calls for a boycott of its products that have proliferated in countries with a Muslim majority in the Middle East due to the statements and announcements of the president, Emmanuel


, against Islamic fundamentalism,

immediately cease


In a statement, the French Foreign Ministry demanded an end to those boycott acts that have occurred in recent days, and which affect food products in particular, insisting that they are

"exploited by a radical minority."

A spokeswoman for the ministry said that its entire diplomatic network has been mobilized to explain the French position, in particular on the issue of

"fundamental freedoms and the rejection of hatred


Also to ask the authorities of those countries to show solidarity with the calls for a boycott and any attack against France, to accompany French companies and guarantee the safety of the French in their territories.

"Freedom of expression"

The Foreign Department stressed that the positions defended by France have been distorted

"in favor of freedom of conscience, freedom of expression

, freedom of religion and the rejection of any appeal to hatred."

A direct allusion to two recent speeches by Macron, starting with the one he delivered on October 2 to present his bill

against what he calls "separatisms"

, and which above all seeks to combat Islamic fundamentalism in all areas of social life .

The second was last Wednesday in tribute to the history teacher, Samuel Paty, beheaded on the 16th by a young Chechen jihadist near the school where he taught on the outskirts of Paris for showing his students the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in a class on freedom of expression.

The head of state, who then repeated that France

"will not renounce cartoons", has announced a reinforcement of the repressive device


His Government has proceeded to close a mosque and has processed the dissolution of associations that are reproached for their fundamentalist positions.

Erdogan: "Macron needs mental therapy"

All this has led to a virulent reaction from the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip


, who this Sunday has again repeated his charges against Macron as on Saturday, when he said that the French president needs

"mental therapy" because in his opinion "he does not understand religious freedom "

and acts" against millions "of Muslims.

The head of French diplomacy,

Jean-Yves Le Drian

, replied this Sunday, stressing that "such behavior is unacceptable, especially from an allied country" and announced that the French ambassador to Turkey, who returned today to Paris.

Le Drian complained about the "hateful and slanderous propaganda" against France and the

"direct insults" against Macron and recalled that Turkey has not officially shown any sign of solidarity with France

or condemnation of the attack on Samuel Paty.

"Dangerous spiral of confrontation"

The high representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, assured this Sunday that

the statements of the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in which he advised his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron,

are "


". mental "for the measures it has taken against Islamic fundamentalism.

"President Erdogan's words about President Macron are unacceptable.

Call on Turkey to stop this dangerous spiral of confrontation,

" the Spanish politician wrote on his profile on the social network Twitter.

Borrell also recalled that the conclusions approved at the European summit on October 1 and 2

"contain a real offer to relaunch our relationship."

"But a political will is needed from the Turkish authorities on this positive agenda.

Otherwise, Turkey will be even more isolated,

" he said.

"Turkey chooses provocations"

The President of the European Council,

Charles Michel

, for his part condemned Turkey's provocations and called for respect for the countries of the European Union.

"More than a positive agenda, Turkey chooses provocations, unilateral actions in the Mediterranean and now insults. It is intolerable.

Respect for Europe and its member states

," Michel said through his Twitter account.

Macron and Erdogan

have had numerous disagreements in recent months due to Ankara's intervention in Libya

, in disputes over the territorial waters of Cyprus and Greece or, more recently, due to the conflict in Nagorno Karabakh in which Turkey is clearly aligned with Azerbaijan against Armenia.

After the last words of the Turkish leader, France has called the French ambassador in Ankara for consultations, according to the Elysee in statements collected by local media.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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