Teller Report

90-year-old veteran recalls the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aid Korea

10/24/2020, 12:06:14 PM, Hohhot, October 24th, title: 90-year-old veteran recalls the battlefield of resisting US aggression and aggression in Korea: the order to defend the army to the death is delivered   China News Service reporter Wu Yana   "I am a survivor. I am a survivor. I am happy to live to this day. We must not forget those comrades who shed blood and sacrificed on the battlefield." The 90-ye, Hohhot, October 24th, title: 90-year-old veteran recalls the battlefield of resisting US aggression and aggression in Korea: the order to defend the army to the death is delivered

  China News Service reporter Wu Yana

  "I am a survivor. I am a survivor. I am happy to live to this day. We must not forget those comrades who shed blood and sacrificed on the battlefield." The 90-year-old Qi Zhenrong recalled his experience on the Korean battlefield with tears in his eyes. .

  In May 1951, the 67th Army of the Chinese People's Volunteers rushed to the Korean battlefield. Qi Zhenrong, only 19 years old, was one of them.

  "When I first entered North Korea, I marched on foot all the way south. I was a communications soldier. Whenever the troops were stationed, I had to pull up the wires to ensure that the communication was unblocked. When the troops were leaving, I had to retract the wires. We were required to be fast. , To ensure that the general order will be communicated as soon as possible." Old Qi Zhenrong recalled.

  As he marched every day, he had to carry wires on his shoulders in addition to his backpack, and he carried more than 60 kilograms. Soon Qi Zhenrong's feet were worn out and pus.

  "Because of a problem with my feet, we had a phone line next to the guard shift that was responsible for answering and transferring calls. I was recuperating while watching their work. Gradually, I also saw how to answer and transfer calls on the switch. I didn’t expect. Later, I was transferred to the guard class." The old man told reporters.

The picture shows that 90-year-old Qi Zhenrong still reads books every day.

Photo by Uyana

  There are line holes corresponding to different departments on the switchboard. To which department the military order needs to be communicated, plug the telephone line into the corresponding line hole and make calls by shaking the magnet to generate electricity.

This requires the signal soldier not only to be able to wire, but also to troubleshoot the line for repairs.

Since then, Qi Zhenrong's duty has been to transmit the defense order in a timely and accurate manner.

  Qi Zhenrong's troops have experienced two battles in North Korea, the Jinseong Block in 1951 and the Jinseong South Counterattack in 1953.

  "In the Jincheng Blocking Station, I was stationed at the information transfer station between the front and the headquarters. The phone of the headquarters must be communicated to the front. When the wire is blown, it will be connected in a few seconds to ensure timely delivery of the headquarters' orders. "Qi Zhenrong said when recalling his work experience, "Although our wiring work is very ordinary, but it is the lifeline, which is related to how the battle ahead is fought and how to win."

  Speaking of the danger on the battlefield, Qi Zhenrong said: "The communications department was one of the targets of the enemy's firepower blockade. At that time, we were stationed in the air-raid shelter. It was relatively safe, but many of our comrades died unfortunately."

  The old man can't remember how long this battle lasted, but every time he thinks of his comrades who died in the war, the old man will be silent.

  "The second war epidemic was not as tragic as the first. My three comrades in arms and I stayed at our posts. We fought until the truce was announced, and we remained by the switchboard." Qi Zhenrong recalled.

  After the war, Qi Zhenrong accompanied the troops to support North Korea's construction while preventing the enemy from counterattacking. He returned to Shandong in May 1964 and has lived a peaceful and stable life since then.

In 1968, the elderly responded to the state's call to support the construction of the northern security line and came to the Baiyun Obo mining area, and since then took root in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

  Qi Zhenrong had just married his wife Guo Shuzhi for 4 months when he went to North Korea. Guo Shuzhi, 92 years old, recalled the days when his lover was on the battlefield and said with emotion: "There has been no news for more than three years. I don't know whether people are dead or alive. The burden of farming all fell on me, but I did not wipe away the tears. In the end, I didn't expect that he would be able to come back alive and bring back the medal of merit."

  This year marks the 70th anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Qi Zhenrong stroked the medal he just received and said: "The volunteers who went to North Korea are not only valiant and powerful, but also shoulder the heavy responsibility of safeguarding national security. We are the teachers of peace, in order to help our neighbors. For our country, we are fighting side by side with the North Korean people. On the battlefield, the strings in our minds are going to tighten at any time, but we are not afraid of death in the real war, so we will win the final victory."

  Qi Zhenghai, the son of the elderly Qi Zhenrong, said: "Father has always had a wish to contact his comrades who fought together in North Korea. I hope to help him realize this wish." (End)

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