Teller Report

Trump and Biden’s recent debate - a little chaos, a lot of clash

10/23/2020, 10:04:23 PM

US President Donald Trump and his rival, Democratic candidate Joe Biden, presented two very different views on the Coronavirus pandemic in their last debate, seeking to persuade the few voters who had not settled their matter 12 days before the polling took place on the third of November.

It was full of personal attacks and was characterized by divergent views on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Trump and Biden’s recent debate - a little chaos, a lot of clash

  • The debate centered at its outset on the pandemic, and then turned into a clash over whether any of the candidates had poor foreign relations.



US President Donald Trump and his opponent, Democratic candidate Joe Biden, presented two very different views on the Coronavirus pandemic in their last debate, seeking to convince the few voters who had not settled their matter 12 days before the polls scheduled for the third of November.

Trump's tone was more conservative than in the first debate in September, which was quickly derailed due to his continuous boycott of Biden, but Thursday's debate was filled with personal attacks between two men, neither of whom showed much respect for the other, and Trump leveled accusations of corruption against Biden and his family without fail. Based on a foundation.

The absence of confusion and boycott has allowed for a more substantive discussion on a range of issues including the economy, race, climate change, healthcare, and immigration, but the Coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed more than 221,000 lives in the United States, has cast a shadow over the debate as it has with the campaign as a whole.

The confrontation, broadcast by television channels in Nashville, Tennessee, was one of the last remaining opportunities for Trump to reshape the contours of a race in which opinion polls show him lagging behind Biden for months, despite intense competition in some crucial states.

Biden said: "Anyone responsible for this large number of deaths should not remain the president of the United States of America."

Trump, who has put his leadership of the economy at the center of his campaign, defended his approach to dealing with the outbreak, and said the country could not afford to close businesses and institutions again despite the new increase in cases.

"We are learning to live with it ... we don't have a choice," said Trump, who downplayed the virus for months.

Biden replied, "Are we learning to live with him?

We are dying with him. ”

Trump, who is still inclined to indicate that he is a newcomer in the political arena, portrayed Biden as a professional politician whose record of nearly 50 years does not contain significant achievements, but he did not set a clear agenda for a second term, while Biden focused on Trump's four years in office, referring to The economic damage the virus has inflicted on people's lives.

And after the debate focused on the pandemic in its beginning, it turned into a clash over whether any of the candidates had poor external relations.

Trump repeated his accusations that Biden and his son Hunter engaged in unethical practices in China and Ukraine, and no evidence was confirmed to support these allegations, which Biden described as false and lacking credibility.

Biden defended his family and said unequivocally that he had never reaped "a penny" from a foreign country, before turning to accusing Trump of trying to distract Americans.

Biden said, "There is something for him to utter all this nonsense ... It is not about his family and mine."

"It's about your family, and your family is seriously injured," he said, addressing the voters.

He also accused him of not paying taxes, citing a New York Times investigation that showed Trump's tax returns show that he has not paid nearly federal income taxes in more than 20 years.

Biden said: "Show your tax returns or stop talking about corruption."

Trump replied that he had paid 'millions'.

He said again that he would not disclose his tax returns until after the long-running audit had been completed.

The two candidates clashed over health care, China policy and race relations.

Trump responded by criticizing Biden for drafting a 1994 criminal bill that increased incarceration for minority suspects.

Trump asserted that he had given black Americans more than any president "perhaps" except for Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War in the 1860s.

During the debate, Biden criticized Trump's efforts to persuade the Supreme Court to repeal a health care law passed in 2010 that came as an overhaul of the health care system when Biden was vice president in the administration of former President Barack Obama.

Biden said: "People deserve access to health care at an affordable cost, it is over," noting that the law prohibits insurance companies from refusing to provide coverage for people with pre-existing health problems.

Trump responded that he wanted to replace that law with something "much better" that offered the same protections, but the administration has yet to propose a comprehensive healthcare plan despite promising to do so for years.

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