Teller Report

The US Food and Drug Administration allows "remdesivir" to treat Corona patients

10/23/2020, 10:03:37 PM

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved "remdesivir", a drug produced by the US pharmaceutical company, Gilead Sciences, for use in treating people with the emerging corona virus. The drug was used to treat patients with "Covid-19", under an emergency license, and now, the drug is the only licensed

The US Food and Drug Administration allows "remdesivir" to treat Corona patients

"Remdisiver" is produced by the American company Gilead Sciences.


The US Food and Drug Administration has approved "remdesivir", a drug produced by the US pharmaceutical company, Gilead Sciences, for use in treating people with the emerging coronavirus.

The drug was used to treat "Covid-19" patients, under an emergency license, and now, the drug is the only fully licensed drug for treatment from the emerging virus.

US President Donald Trump recently received a treatment protocol from "remdesivir" when he was infected with "Corona".

Gilead said that the use of the drug contributes to reducing the time it takes for the patient to be treated in hospital by up to five days.

A study sponsored by the World Health Organization questioned whether this treatment was actually effective in improving patients' conditions.

Gilead shares jumped 5% hours after the start of trading in the US markets.

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