Teller Report

The normalization agreement between Sudan and Israel .. Information about the terms, mediators and next steps

10/23/2020, 7:54:59 PM

In two almost simultaneous developments, the White House announced that President Trump had signed a decree removing Sudan from the US list of states sponsoring terrorism, and that Khartoum and Tel Aviv had agreed, with US mediation, to normalize relations between them.

In two near-simultaneous developments, the White House announced that President Donald Trump had signed a decree removing Sudan from the US list of states sponsoring terrorism, and that Khartoum and Tel Aviv had agreed - with American mediation - to normalize relations between them.

A joint American-Sudanese-Israeli statement described the normalization agreement between Sudan and Israel as historic, and considered it a testimony to "the bold approach of the four leaders (US President Donald Trump, President of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu).

The statement of agreement stipulates a set of commitments, obligations and agreements, some of them bilateral and some of them by one of the parties to the agreement.

The following are the most prominent items stipulated in the agreement according to the joint statement issued this evening:

Commitments and commitments

The four leaders agreed - according to the tripartite statement - on:

- Normalizing relations between Sudan and Israel, and ending the state of hostility between the two countries.

Initiation of economic and trade relations, with an initial focus on agriculture.

Delegations will meet in the coming weeks to negotiate cooperation agreements in these areas, as well as in the field of agricultural technology, aviation, immigration issues, and other areas for the benefit of the two peoples.

- The statement affirmed that the leaders are determined to work together to build a better future and promote the cause of peace in the region.

The United States and Israel agreed to partner with Sudan in its new beginning, and to ensure its full integration into the international community.

The United States will take steps to restore the sovereign immunity of Sudan, and to engage its international partners to reduce Sudan's debt burden.

It has also committed itself to advancing discussions on debt relief in line with the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative.

The United States and Israel have also committed to working with their partners to support the people of Sudan in strengthening their democracy, improving food security, combating terrorism and extremism, and realizing their economic potential.

- The statement expects that the new agreement will contribute to "improving regional security and unlocking new opportunities for the people of Sudan, Israel, the Middle East and Africa."


The announcement of the agreement between Sudan and Israel came from the White House in Washington, and Trump spoke with the leaders of Sudan and Israel about it.

Reuters reported that US officials brokered the agreement from the US side, and they are: Jared Kushner, Trump's chief adviser, Avi Berkowitz, National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and National Security Officer Miguel Correa.

Next steps

US officials said a signing ceremony for the agreement was expected at the White House in the coming weeks.

The statement stated that delegations from both sides would meet in the coming weeks to negotiate agreements in various fields.

The US President said that at least 5 other countries want to join a peace agreement with Israel, and specifically stipulated Saudi Arabia, saying that he is sure that it will join the rally soon.