Teller Report

The Nordic countries are tightening the corona rules ahead of the weekend

10/23/2020, 8:43:16 PM

Infection is increasing in Sweden and the other Nordic countries. In Sweden, it is finalized, according to Prime Minister Löfven - and in Denmark, alcohol sales will stop after 10 pm. In Norway, new restrictions are expected to be introduced on Monday.

On Friday evening, Denmark's Prime Minister Mette Fredriksen presented new tougher restrictions.

From Monday, all alcohol sales will be stopped after 10 pm. This applies to bars, restaurants and grocery stores.

The country is introducing requirements for mouth protection in public places, both indoors and outdoors.

- It applies from October 29 so you have time to buy yourself a layer of mouth protection, says Mette Fredriksen.

Valid until next year

The reason for the new restrictions, which apply until 2 January, is the increased spread of infection in the country.

The government is reducing the number that can be gathered from 50 to ten people and the Danes are urged that in addition to colleagues, schoolmates and those they meet at leisure activities, only ten people hang out.

Denmark is also introducing stricter border controls to avoid infection being introduced into Danish workplaces, which affects commuters from Sweden, for example.

New Finnish law on nightclubs

On Thursday, Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced that it has been finalized and that the nightclubs are no longer exempt from the 50 rule.

In Finland, too, nightclubs have been linked to an increased spread of infection.

In the last three weeks, the number of infections has increased in Finland, according to statistics from the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare.

Now the country's government plans to introduce a new law aimed at nightclubs, which are currently covered by the same rules as restaurants, reports DN.

With the new law, a distinction will be made between restaurants that serve food and those that mainly serve alcohol.

According to the bill, which has not yet passed the parliament, the nightclubs will only be allowed to take in 50 percent of their guest capacity.

Red-listed Sweden

After the spread of infection in Sweden increased, Norway has been red-listed throughout the country for entry into Norway.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg is concerned about the state of infection in Europe and her home country Norway, even though there are relatively few cases, the number of infections is increasing, she stated during a press conference on Friday and urged Norwegians to spend less time with people over the weekend.

- The alternative is more infections, more deaths and even stricter restrictions.

We choose to introduce restrictions and tighten a little more during the next week, if we take action in November, it is more likely that we can have a normal Christmas with the family at home, Solberg said according to VG.