Teller Report

Strengthening measures against terrorism in response to the murder of a French teacher

10/23/2020, 10:36:02 PM

[NHK] In France, a teacher who showed a caricature of an Islamic prophet to a student was killed with a knife, and the teacher was accused on SNS ...

Strengthening measures against terrorism following the murder of a French teacher October 24, 7:27

In France, a teacher who showed a caricature of an Islamic prophet to a student was killed with a knife, and it seems that the teacher was accused on SNS, which seems to have led to the case, so the government fuels terrorism. Announced that it will strengthen measures such as strengthening monitoring of posts.

In the case of a junior high school male teacher being killed by a man with a knife near Paris on the 16th of this month, parents of students showed a caricature of the Islamic prophet Muhammad when teaching about freedom of expression. Prosecutors have indicated that the suspect's man was directly influenced by his parents' posts, accusing him by name on SNS.

In response to this incident, Prime Minister Castex announced measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents on the 23rd, putting unreasonable pressure on teachers and disseminating personal information on the Internet. It is said that it will punish acts that endanger lives, and that it will proceed with the procedure for legislation in the future.

Furthermore, in order to prevent the spread of posts that incite terrorism on the Internet as in this case, the prosecutor's office in Paris will set up a specialized department to strengthen surveillance.

In France, there is concern that teachers who teach "freedom of expression" will shrink due to the effects of the incident, and it seems that the government aims to alleviate anxiety in the field of education by showing an attitude of protecting teachers.