Teller Report

Kravtsov said that there are no plans for a complete transition to distance learning in schools

10/23/2020, 8:00:53 PM

The Minister of Education of Russia Sergei Kravtsov said on the air of the TV channel "Russia 1" that "distance learning is not of a mass character."

"We do not plan to completely transfer schools to a distance format," RIA Novosti Kravtsov quotes. 

He also said that the three regions have extended their autumn holidays by a week to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection.

According to him, in such cases, the curriculum is slightly rearranged and the material is made up.

Earlier, the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Irina Potekhina said that due to the situation with the coronavirus infection COVID-19, school holidays were extended for a week in the city.