Teller Report

Ivory Coast: Sidiki Diakité, Minister of Territorial Administration, is dead

10/23/2020, 10:20:45 PM

Sidiki Diakité, Minister of Territorial Administration, died this Friday, October 23 following a cardiac arrest. In recent days, it was he who coordinated the attempts at dialogue between ...

Ivory Coast: Sidiki Diakité, Minister of Territorial Administration, is dead

Sidiki Diakité joined the government in 2017 as Minister of the Interior and Security, before moving on to Territorial Administration and Decentralization.


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Sidiki Diakité, Minister of Territorial Administration, died this Friday, October 23 following a cardiac arrest.

In recent days, it was he who coordinated the attempts at dialogue between the government and the opposition parties.


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With our correspondent in Abidjan,

Sidy Yansané

As sudden as it was unexpected, the disappearance of Sidiki Diakité sadly echoes that of the Prime Minister and RHDP's first nominee for the presidential election,

Amadou Gon Coulibaly

, who also died of heart complications three months ago.

It was Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko himself, in the midst of the electoral campaign, who publicly announced the news during a political meeting at the Treichville Palace of Culture in Abidjan.

Previously prefect of Abidjan, Sidiki Diakité joined the government in 2017 as Minister of the Interior and Security, before moving to the Administration of Territory and Decentralization.

His function made this faithful of President Alassane Ouattara the boss of the prefects, who oversaw the deployment of local independent electoral commissions across the country.

A significant role since his ministry has a representative on the CEI.

In recent days, it is also Sidiki Diakité who prepared the technical meetings related to the

attempts at mediation and dialogue

between the government and the opposition.

Meetings which did not finally take place because boycotted by the parties of the candidates Henri Konan Bédié and Pascal Affi N'Guessan, while the first round of the presidential election is held in a week.

In a statement, the Ivorian presidency hailed "

 the memory of a great servant of the State, a competent and loyal collaborator 

" and decreed three days of national mourning.


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