Teller Report

Coronavirus: Biden promises free vaccine "for all" if elected

10/23/2020, 9:07:02 PM

In order to fight the coronavirus the Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has promised that if elected, the vaccine will be free for all. A declaration that is part of the national strategy to fight the pandemic that it intends to put in place if it comes to power. & Nbsp;

In order to fight the coronavirus the Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has promised that if elected, the vaccine will be free for all.

A declaration that is part of the national strategy to fight the pandemic that he intends to put in place if he comes to power. 

Democratic candidate Joe Biden on Friday pledged the coronavirus vaccine would be "free for everyone" as part of his national pandemic plan, if elected as President of the United States.

If elected, Joe Biden is committed to "immediately" put in place a national strategy "to finally get ahead of the virus and start living again".

President Donald Trump, lagging behind in the polls, also wants the future vaccine against the virus, which could be ready in the coming weeks, to be free.


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A national strategy to fight the virus

"Once we have a safe and effective vaccine, it will have to be free for everyone, whether you are insured or not," said Joe Biden, presenting in Wilmington (Delaware) his plan to "get ahead. on the virus ", 11 days before the presidential election.

Democrats blame the Republican billionaire for not having put in place a strong federal response to the pandemic, which has claimed more than 223,000 lives in the United States, the most bereaved country in the world.

"He abandoned, he abandoned you, he abandoned your family and he abandoned America," he hammered in a televised speech.


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"The Covid-19 exceeds anything we have faced in our recent history and it does not show signs of slowing down," said Joe Biden, stressing that "the virus is strengthening in practically all" American states.

"We have been in this crisis for almost eight months and the president still has no plan," said the 77-year-old former vice president.

The national strategy that the Democratic candidate wants to put in place if he is elected involves a consultation with the governors of the 50 states during the transition period, before his inauguration on January 20.

Once in power, he would call on Congress in particular to pass a major law to finance the fight against the coronavirus and would establish the compulsory wearing of masks in federal buildings and in transport between states.