Teller Report

"I doubt the effect of remdesivir" WHO reiterates

10/23/2020, 9:25:24 PM

[NHK] Regarding the antiviral drug "remdesivir" officially approved in the United States on the 22nd as a therapeutic drug for the new coronavirus, WHO = World Health ...

"I doubt the effect of remdesivir" WHO reiterates October 24, 6:04

Regarding the antiviral drug "remdesivir" officially approved in the United States on the 22nd as a treatment for the new coronavirus, a WHO = World Health Organization official said in clinical trials that "almost no effect was observed" in improving mortality. The evaluation is divided, reiterating the view that "it seems that no effect was observed at all."

The US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) announced on the 22nd that it has officially approved the antiviral drug "remdesivir", which has been specially approved in Japan, based on the results of multiple clinical trials.

Meanwhile, on the 15th of this month, WHO announced the preliminary results of a clinical trial in hospitalized patients, saying that "it seems that there was little or no effect". ..

WHO chief scientist Swaminasan said at a regular press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, that the FDA's approval of remdesivir did not reflect the results of WHO clinical trials. "WHO clinical trials are the largest in the world, and data comparisons and analyzes are based on the highest standards, and I believe the results are correct," he reiterated. It remains.

WHO clinical care professionals have stated that the guidelines for remdesivir will be "issued within 3-4 weeks."