Teller Report

The Kremlin declared Russia's openness to dialogue with the United States

10/22/2020, 9:21:52 PM

Whichever side wins the presidential elections in the United States, they will not get away from Russophobia, but Russia is open for dialogue on common topics in bilateral relations, said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

According to him, a bipartisan consensus has been established in the United States on the issue of relations with Russia.

“Whoever won, now they simply cannot get away from this Russophobia,” RIA Novosti quotes Peskov as saying on Channel One.

He noted that the parties can deal with arms control, as well as cooperation in the field of information security.

Earlier, Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow hopes that an agreement will be reached with Washington to extend the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Arms (START III) for a year.