Teller Report

Justice authorizes the resumption of tennis in 69 communes of Haute-Garonne

10/21/2020, 8:22:15 PM

The practice of tennis will be able to resume in the indoor courts in the 69 communes of Haute-Garonne classified in the zone of "measures specific to the state of health emergency"

The Toulouse administrative court ruled in favor of the FFT.


Jean-Marc Haedrich / Nivière / Sipa

Please note, the decision of the Toulouse administrative court does not concern the 43 municipalities of the agglomeration under curfew by prefectural decree of October 18, in an attempt to fight against the spread of Covid-19.

Toulouse, Columérins and Blagnacais, among others, still do not have access to the indoor tennis courts.

On the other hand, fans of the little yellow ball of the 69 municipalities subject to "specific measures for the state of health emergency" can smile.

Finally, while waiting for a possible new turn of the screw ...

In any case, justice agreed with the French Tennis Federation (FFT) which had requested the suspension of the ban on the practice of this sport (and padel), outside the curfew zone.

"Taking into account the economic consequences on the 172 clubs concerned by this ban, occurring during the period of memberships or their renewal and resulting in a loss of 117,000 euros, the condition relating to the urgency was regarded as satisfied", affirms the court administrative.

"No outbreak detected"

This concerns all the municipalities of Sicoval, Muretain Agglo, the communities of municipalities of La Save au Touch and Coteaux-Bellevue as well as Fontenilles.

"The health protocols set up in the clubs exclude the risk of contamination and no outbreak has been detected which would be linked to the practice of tennis or padel in a covered area", also indicates the justice.

And now for your snowshoes, while it's possible.


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  • Justice

  • Coronavirus

  • Toulouse

  • Covid 19

  • Tennis

  • Sport