Teller Report

US elections: cautious, Joe Biden believes "can still lose"

10/19/2020, 7:01:03 PM

Two weeks before the American election, Joe Biden is ahead of Donald Trump by 12 points according to some pollsters. But the Democratic candidate's clan wants to learn the lessons of 2016 and remains very cautious.

Two weeks before the American election, Joe Biden is ahead of Donald Trump by 12 points according to some pollsters.

But the Democratic candidate's clan wants to learn the lessons of 2016 and remains very cautious.

Last moments of campaign in the United States, where the presidential election will take place on November 3.

Two weeks before the poll, Joe Biden is leading in all polls: largely at the national level, with more than ten points ahead, comfortably in key states.

According to a benchmark poll, the Democratic candidate would have an 88% chance of winning… It was exactly this figure for Hillary Clinton in 2016, at the same time.

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Surveys similar to those of 2016

At the time, the candidate was 12 points ahead of Donald Trump.


Washington Post

even estimated that Trump had "almost zero chance of winning."

No analyst then saw how Donald Trump could go up the slope.

We know the rest of the story, Donald Trump was elected.

We must therefore, four years later, remain cautious.

But there are still some differences.

In 2020, pollsters say they have learned from their mistakes and therefore be better.

And then the gaps between Joe Biden and Donald Trump have been constant for months, which was not the case with Hillary Clinton.


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"We can still lose"

In an internal email this weekend, campaign manager Joe Biden told his teams, "We can still lose."

In a conference call with his troops Monday morning, Donald Trump told him: "We can still win."


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So what will the last two weeks of the campaign look like?

Donald Trump will continue his round of meetings in front of compact crowds, often without a mask.

He has two scheduled for Monday in Arizona.

Joe Biden, he will stick to more modest events.

Not really an audience, social distance, sometimes

drivin '

to hammer out his message: "I take the pandemic seriously and I will protect you".

Sunday, Dolad Trump was in Nevada and he made a surprising new argument: "If elected, Joe Biden will cancel the Christmas season," said the US president.

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