Teller Report

The injury threatens Costa's participation with Atletico Madrid in the Bayern Munich summit

10/19/2020, 5:19:02 PM

Atletico Madrid's Spanish soccer club striker Diego Costa's chance to participate in his team’s match against Bayern Munich in the European Champions League on Wednesday is weak, after the player was injured. Atletico Madrid announced on Monday that Costa, 32, was injured in

The injury threatens Costa's participation with Atletico Madrid in the Bayern Munich summit

The chance of Atletico Madrid striker Diego Costa to participate in his team's match against Bayern Munich in the European Champions League on Wednesday is weak, after the player was injured.

And Atletico Madrid announced today, Monday, that Costa (32 years) had a left thigh muscle injury during the team's match against Celta de Vigo last Saturday, indicating that an examination conducted today resulted in this result.

The club did not say how long Costa would be absent from the stadiums, and the AS newspaper predicted that the Brazilian-born Spanish international could be forced to be absent from the stadium for nearly three weeks.

Costa was forced out of the field in the 50th minute of the match against Celta Vigo, and Costa scored one goal in four confrontations he played in the past season in the Spanish League.

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