Teller Report

Maaloul reveals the reasons that might push him to give up coaching the Syrian national team

10/19/2020, 9:25:19 AM

The coach of the Syrian national football team, Tunisian Nabil Maaloul, revealed that his assistants of Tunisian nationality have not received their monthly salaries for seven months, hinting at the possibility that he will give up training "Nusour Qasiyoun" for several reasons. Which displays via "Yu."

Maaloul reveals the reasons that might push him to give up coaching the Syrian national team

The coach of the Syrian national football team, Tunisian Nabil Maaloul, revealed that his assistants of Tunisian nationality have not received their monthly salaries for seven months, hinting at the possibility that he will give up training "Nusour Qasiyoun" for several reasons.

Maaloul’s statements came in the “Lotfi Press” program shown on YouTube, during which he threatened not to complete the task of training the Syrian national team in the near future, considering that the matter has become very difficult and unbearable, and that financial problems are not the most prominent part, as far as not Coordination and lack of professionalism for members of the Syrian Football Association.

Maaloul said in his statements: "What do I do with the contract, especially since there is no use for resorting to FIFA, and Hatem Al-Ghayeb, President of the Syrian Football Association, and Firas Mualla, President of the General Sports Federation, are in this position."

Maaloul criticized the Syrian Football Association, describing its work as "a lot of words and a little act", surprising at the same time how the inability of a national team, the value of the "first Syrian national team", despite its long history and the names that passed to it, whether from the golden or current generation, to reach the Cup finals World, or even competition for the AFC Asian Cup title.

Al-Maaloul, who took over the task of coaching the Syrian national team in March of this year, pointed out that success with the national team is not his task alone, but rather the task of the players and the Football Association as well. "Syrian football, and their lack of commitment to the planned schedules for local competitions and coordination with the national team's camps, as how does the federation decide, without consulting me, to play the Syrian Super match, only two days after the end of the national team camp?"

The Tunisian assistant coaching staff, Nabil Maaloul, includes Nader bin Youssef Daoud, fitness coach Saber bin Naji al-Ayari, and performance and statistics analyst Helmy bin Abdel Wahab Ksho.

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