Teller Report

Losing a restaurant job and the whole half... Deferring debt repayment

10/19/2020, 2:19:02 AM

Even if you want to pay off your debts through the credit recovery system, your ability to pay off your debts may temporarily decrease due to unemployment or closure. In this case in the future, debt repayment will be suspended for up to one year, and the debt rebalanced thereafter will be shared and paid off.

<Anchor> Even

if you want to pay off your debts through the credit recovery system, your ability to pay off your debts may temporarily decrease due to unemployment or closure.

In this case in the future, debt repayment will be suspended for up to one year, and the debt rebalanced thereafter will be shared and paid off.

Reporter Deokgi Yoo reports.


Mr. Kim, in his 60s, lost his job when the restaurant he worked for was closed in July.

To make matters worse, my husband, who was running a private business, was injured in an accident and is receiving treatment.

The cost of living is also tight right now, so the business loan loan received by my husband is in no position to pay off.

[Mr. Kim/Credit Recovery Counselor: I have to take care of patients, so I can't go to work.

You have borrowed money (for business).

That money for months…

It's been less than 90 days, but it's been pushed back.] In the

future, if you suddenly lose your job or close your business and have a hard time paying off your debts, you will be deferred for up to one year, and you can pay back through debt restructuring.

It is intended to help the vulnerable class recover economically.

Support for unemployed youth is also strengthened.

Currently, university students and unemployed young people under the age of 30 defer repayment of both principal and interest for up to four years until they get a job, but the repayment is extended to the age of 34 and the grace period is extended to five years.

[Godonghyeon senior josayeok / Credit Recovery Committee: (you can include.) (Credit Recovery) re-founding, re-employment without having to worry about to worry about the court seized or these parts without for collections because you apply for collection activities Stop

again We decided to improve the system so that when a financial institution applied for debt adjustment for a debt that is overdue, it would not refuse to extend the maturity or request repayment before maturity for other debts that are normally paid by financial institutions.

These contents will be implemented in the next month after revising the credit recovery support agreement. 

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