Teller Report

Infrastructure maintenance and management Cost reduction Local governments Priority support

10/19/2020, 12:16:25 PM

[NHK] The "Financial System Council" was held to discuss the national financial problems, and the Ministry of Finance is up to date to curb spending on the maintenance of aging infrastructure.

Infrastructure maintenance and management Cost reduction Local governments Give priority to support October 19, 21:10

The "Financial System Council" was held to discuss the national financial problems, and the Ministry of Finance prioritized local governments that utilize the latest technology to reduce costs in order to curb spending on maintenance of aging infrastructure. I suggested that we should support the situation.

At the financial system council on the 19th, themes such as infrastructure maintenance and flood control were taken up.

The Ministry of Finance has predicted that the cost of maintaining and managing infrastructure per capita can be up to three times higher in about 30 years due to the declining population and aging infrastructure.

In response to this situation, the Ministry of Finance recommended that local governments that utilize the latest technology to reduce the cost of infrastructure maintenance should be given priority.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance says that the number of people living in flood inundation areas is increasing, and if the risk can be reduced by introducing housing regulations in areas where flood damage is expected, the cost of disaster prevention and mitigation will be reduced. I pointed out that it can be suppressed.

In response to these recommendations, the committee members who attended said that they should proceed with infrastructure development on the premise of population decline.

In the future, the council plans to compile recommendations for the formulation of the budget for the next fiscal year by the end of next month, taking into account these thematic discussions.