Teller Report

In the Yaroslavl Region due to COVID-19, school vacations will be increased

10/19/2020, 7:46:08 PM

Autumn holidays in schools of the Yaroslavl Region will be increased from one to two weeks due to the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19. This was stated by the governor of the region Dmitry Mironov.

"One of the most important conditions for success in the fight against the virus is the separation of people ... Therefore, we decided to increase the holidays for schoolchildren to two weeks," the press service of the regional government quotes Mironov.

According to him, such a step is necessary to reduce the growth of morbidity.

He added that earlier recommendations were given to employers to transfer up to 30% of employees to telecommuting.

“Now we will monitor the situation.

The figures of the covid statistics indicate that we need to more strictly comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor in places of mass presence of people for the sake of their safety, ”he stressed.

Earlier it was reported that distance learning was introduced in 34 classes of schools in the Yaroslavl region due to the situation with the coronavirus.

According to information as of October 19, 15,982 cases of coronavirus were detected in Russia per day.

Of these, 104 are in the Yaroslavl Region.