Teller Report

Djurgården turned against Malmö - after three quick goals

10/19/2020, 7:00:51 PM

Malmö looked to take a comfortable victory away against Djurgården. But after two Dif goals in just 79 seconds - and a third seven minutes later - there was not a single point for MFF. - Incredibly nice, says Kalle Holmberg.

Series-leading Malmö FF played well and controlled the match for a long time at Tele2 Arena.

After two nice goals by Ola Toivonen, the team also led the match with 2-0, when there were only ten minutes left.

CLIP: Toivonen's two goals

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Ola Toivonen Photo: Bildbyrån

Ulvestad nodded in 1-2

But then - after a period of Bra Djurgården games - everything changed more or less at once.

First, in the 81st minute, Fredrik Ulvestad nodded in a corner.

And then, just 1.19 later, came 2-2 as well.

After another corner, it was messy in front of goal, but in the end, the substitute Kalle Holmberg got his foot on the ball and put the equalizer.

Chilufya assisted

But it would be better than sp.

A few minutes later, Holmberg reappeared.

This time he rushed forward at the goal area line and bumped in Edward Chilufya's input - and the score was suddenly 3-2 to Djurgården.

- It's too bad.

It is too many junior mistakes, it must not happen, says Malmö's Ola Toivonen to Dplay.

After Djurgården's management goal, a period of fierce Malmö pressure began.

But apart from a few posts, it was never even close to a draw.

With the victory, Djurgården broke a six-match long streak without a victory and advanced to fifth place in the table.

- We know that we are strong here at home.

When they get in second, we know it's tough, but we are strong, drumming and believing in it.

Incredibly nice, says Kalle Holmberg to play.