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Amazing numbers of Ashraf bin Sharqi engrave his name in the Egyptian history of Zamalek

10/19/2020, 4:42:51 PM

Moroccan star Ashraf Bin Sharqi entered the history of the Egyptian club Zamalek after scoring the precious goal of winning against Morocco's Raja in the AFC Champions League semi-finals, and became the best foreign scorer in the "White Castle", with nine goals, with the participation of former Zamalek player, Burkini Abdullah Cisse.

Amazing numbers of Ashraf bin Sharqi engrave his name in the Egyptian history of Zamalek

Moroccan star Ashraf Bin Sharqi entered the history of Egyptian club Zamalek after scoring the precious goal of winning against Morocco's Raja in the AFC Champions League semi-finals, and became the best foreign scorer in "The White Castle", with nine goals, with the participation of former Zamalek player, Burkini Abdullah Cisse.

The Egyptian “V Al Joule” website said that the player achieved another record after equating a record that has stood still for 34 years, and was registered in the name of former Zamalek striker Gamal Abdel Hamid, as was Bin Sharqi's goal against Raja, his seventh in the current season of the African Champions League, as he No player in Zamalek has ever scored seven goals in one continental season since 1984 after Jamal Abdel Hamid achieved the same number in his journey towards the first continental title, and Ashraf Bencharki equaled with Jamal Abdel Hamid, both of whom hold the record for the number of goals in one continental season in the white jersey The Moroccan star surpassed the Egyptian top scorer, former Zamalek player Hossam Hassan, who scored six goals in 2002 when Zamalek won its last continental title.

Ashraf bin Sharqi also achieved another number, being the most player to score continental goals in his first season with Zamalek, as Gamal Abdel Hamid was playing his second continental season with the white jersey, he participated in the Champions League 1985 and scored three goals, and Bin Sharqi became the seventh best scorer in continental history for Zamalek With nine goals, equal with Ayman Mansour, Ahmed Jaafar and Basem Morsi, Tariq Yahya, Hussam Hassan and Jamal Hamza (10 goals) are preceded by Hazem Imam (12 goals), Jamal Abdel Hamid (16 goals) and Abdel Halim Ali (23 goals).

The Moroccan star succeeded in setting another record as he is considered the best scorer for Zamalek in the history of the African Super Cup, after he scored two goals, against a goal by Ayman Mansour, Mohamed Abdel Wahid, Hazem Imam, Abdel Halim Ali and Youssef Ibrahim "Obama", and the player also became the player with the best goal rate in Zamalek Continental history.

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