Teller Report

Mélenchon believes that there is "a problem with the Chechen community"

10/18/2020, 8:27:56 PM

The leader of rebellious France called on the authorities to take over all the files of Chechens present in France involved in "political Islamism"

Jean-Luc Mélenchon called for the expulsion of the Chechens who act on the ground of Islamism -

Philippe LOPEZ / AFP

The leader of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc-Mélenchon, called for “expelling” the Chechens who act on the ground of “political Islamism”, two days after the beheading of a teacher in the Yvelines.

"I think there is a problem with the Chechen community in France," he said on LCI, recalling that before this assassination, perpetrated by a young Chechen Russian, Chechens from France and of Belgium had led punitive expeditions to Dijon in June.

"Take over one by one all the files of Chechens present in France"

"They arrived in France because the French government, which was very hostile to Vladimir Poutine, welcomed them with open arms", but now, "we must take up one by one all the files of the Chechens present in France and all those who have a activity on social networks, as was the case with the assassin or others, who have activities of political Islamism (...), must be captured and expelled, ”said Jean-Luc Mélenchon , arguing that "the law allows it".

"There are undoubtedly some very good people in this community, but it is our national duty to make sure of this," he added.

The deputy was also astonished that in Dijon, "nobody did anything for two days" to prevent them from acting, and that concerning the teacher of Yvelines, "the assassin for a week (the ) threatened ”and“ nobody sees anything ”, whereas in France there is the function of national coordinator of intelligence and the fight against terrorism, occupied by Laurent Nunez.

“What were all these people doing who had to coordinate to find out and take action?” He asked.

"All these people are shirking their own responsibilities"

Asked also about the words of the former Prime Minister Manuel Valls who considers that Mr. Mélenchon has "a very great responsibility in this cowardice of the left" in the face of Islamism, the leader of the rebels "totally" contested.

"All these people are shirking their own responsibilities," he accused in turn, but "I don't want to get into a slapping battle with Manuel Valls".

"This is not the time for an argument" and it is necessary "for the Islamist terrorists to know that they do not scare us and that their maneuver will fail."

On the left, the first secretary of the Socialist Party Olivier Faure estimated during the rally Place de la République in Paris on Sunday, in tribute to the teacher, that "there are responsibilities which are very shared, alas, on the right, to left, in the center ”.

"Too many have played with Islamism", "either to reject all Muslims, or to protect Muslims", and they have thus allowed "a form of tolerance vis-à-vis those who are against the Republic" , he said, calling for “the unity of the nation”.


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  • Terrorism

  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon

  • Society

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