Teller Report

In the video, the olive harvest and the extraction of its oil is a historic season for the Palestinians

10/18/2020, 11:45:50 PM

In mid-October of each year, the olive harvest season begins in all Palestinian lands, in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the 48 Palestinian interior lands, and continues until December. The olive harvest season in Palestine is a national holiday and a historic occasion, Where he takes part

In the video, the olive harvest and the extraction of its oil is a historic season for the Palestinians

Palestine reaps olives.

Emirates today

In mid-October of each year, the olive harvest season begins in all Palestinian lands, in Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and the 48 Palestinian interior lands, and continues until December.

The olive harvest season in Palestine is a national holiday and a historic occasion, as all family members participate in the process of harvesting the fruits of the olive trees that have been aged on their lands for decades.

The lens of "Emirates Today" accompanied Palestinian farmers during their seasonal journey to harvest the fruits of olive trees, inside their agricultural lands, while all members of their families participate in the olive harvest, which for them constitutes a national occasion, as it reminds them of the lands of their parents and grandparents.

Farmer Abu Alaa Qudaih, from the town of Khuza'a in the southeast of the Gaza Strip, owns agricultural land planted with olive trees that have been aged for 70 years.

Kodeih indicates that he waits every year for the olive harvest season, which generates money for him, as a result of selling the fruits for use as an appetizer on the dining table, or extracting olive oil from them, after the process of squeezing them.

The Palestinian farmer goes on to say, "The olive tree is a blessed tree, and throughout history it is a symbol of Palestinian existence and right, and it is a clear indication of our attachment to the land of our fathers and grandfathers, and to protect it from loss and appropriation."

olive oil

Emirates Today documented an integral part of the olive harvest season, which is the extraction of its oil, where the olives are squeezed in old hand-held stone presses, as well as in modern mechanical presses, which are witnessing a heavy demand, so that the citizen gets pure oil, which he uses throughout the year until the start of A new season for olive harvesting.

Abu Nasr Odeh, the supervisor of the modern press in the Zeitoun neighborhood in eastern Gaza City, says: "The quantity of olives that enter the press on a daily basis during the olive harvest days varies, reaching an average of 65 tons, while the olive oil production is 11 thousand liters."

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