Teller Report

A joint statement on the Bahraini, American, and Israeli meetings

10/18/2020, 7:55:18 PM

Today, in Manama, meetings were held that included officials from the Kingdom of Bahrain and delegations from the United States of America headed by Stephen Mnuchin, Secretary of the US Treasury, and the State of Israel headed by Meir Bin Shabat, National Security Adviser. A joint statement was issued from these meetings, stating that it had taken place

A joint statement on the Bahraini, American, and Israeli meetings

Today, in Manama, meetings were held that included officials from the Kingdom of Bahrain and delegations from the United States of America headed by Stephen Mnuchin, Secretary of the US Treasury, and the State of Israel headed by Meir Bin Shabat, National Security Adviser.

A joint statement issued from these meetings stated that a joint historic statement was signed between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel on the establishment of diplomatic relations, marking the beginning of a new and promising era in relations between the two countries.

A number of memoranda of understanding were also signed between them dealing with economic and commercial relations, communications, trade, air services, personnel movement, banking and financial services, cooperation between the two foreign ministries, and other areas of joint cooperation.

In this context, working groups were held to discuss more areas of Bahraini-Israeli cooperation, including aviation, health care, technology, tourism, agriculture, and others.

The statement indicated that the meetings affirmed that the establishment of direct relations between the two countries, which are among the countries with a vital role in the Middle East, would contribute to achieving a more secure and prosperous future for the peoples of the two countries and the region.

The joint statement noted the great role of His Excellency US President Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, and his launch of the Abraham Accords initiative, which facilitated the completion of this historic diplomatic achievement.

This achievement also comes after the issuance of the official joint statement between the United States of America, the Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel on September 11, 2020 following the phone call between His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, King of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, which was confirmed In it, the importance of opening a new era of cooperation between the two countries, and the subsequent declaration of support for peace between Bahrain and Israel, signed in Washington on September 15, 2020, to endorse the principles of the Abraham Agreement and open a new chapter of peace.

The joint statement issued today affirmed that this chapter is a continuation of notable regional and international efforts to promote peace in the Middle East and a testament to the bold vision and leadership demonstrated by the three countries from sincere diplomatic efforts for sustainable peace and prosperity.

The three countries face a set of common challenges and will mutually benefit from the completion of this historic day.

The statement indicated that the historic signature today brings together two friends of the United States of America and its partners in the Middle East.

The Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel will join the United States to advance the strategic plans for peace and prosperity in the Middle East and to expand the means of cooperation based on common values ​​and interests.

The statement touched upon the agreement of the three countries' views on the challenges, threats and opportunities available in the region, and unleashing the region's potential through closer security cooperation and public diplomacy and participation in the economy, technology and other common interests, including promoting coexistence and participation between people and a culture of peace. Today's agreements will lead to life. Best for Bahrain, Israel, the region and its people.

The statement indicated that the two parties will continue their efforts for a just, comprehensive and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The statement added that the Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel are confident that this development will contribute to achieving a future in which all peoples and all religions live together in a spirit of cooperation and the enjoyment of peace and prosperity, as countries focus on common interests and building a better future for all.

The United States of America and the State of Israel expressed their appreciation to the Kingdom of Bahrain for hosting the historic "Prosper for Peace" workshop in Manama in June 2019, which was a step towards achieving more cooperation in various fields.

In this statement, the Kingdom of Bahrain and the State of Israel expressed their deep appreciation to the United States of America for its efforts to secure a more stable, secure and prosperous Middle East.

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