Teller Report

New strict measures in Europe to limit the spread of "Covid-19"

10/17/2020, 10:05:10 PM

Yesterday, a new series of strict measures came into effect in Europe to limit the spread of "Covid-19", as London banned social gatherings and France banned touring, while schools were closed in Poland. For her part, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, urged the Germans to reduce pain

279 deaths and 14,922 new cases of "Corona" in Russia ... within a day

New strict measures in Europe to limit the spread of "Covid-19"

A group of people wearing protective masks on a street in Turin, Italy.


Yesterday, a new series of strict measures came into effect in Europe to limit the spread of "Covid-19", as London banned social gatherings and France banned touring, while schools were closed in Poland.

For her part, German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to reduce mixing and travel, to curb the Corona virus.

In London, as of yesterday, residents of any place inside the country were prohibited from mixing with people from outside.

More than 15,000 new infections were recorded, Friday, in the United Kingdom, the country with the largest number of deaths in Europe, reaching 43,400.

In France, residents of 12 large cities, including the capital Paris and its suburbs, spent the last nautical night, before a curfew took effect between 21:00 and 06:00 yesterday.

And the measure, which will remain in place for at least four weeks, was imposed with the spread of the virus, again, in France.

And more than 25 thousand injuries were recorded in France, within 24 hours, Friday.

On Friday, the French Public Health Agency indicated that the epidemic continues to spread "from the youngest to the oldest," saying that this development is "extremely worrying."

New restrictions will take effect in Warsaw and other large cities in Poland, which are considered "red zones."

Among these measures: closing middle and high schools to make education remotely, closing restaurants and banning weddings, while limiting the number of people who could be present at the same time in shops and public transportation, and religious ceremonies will be limited.

And indicators, all over the world, indicate an increase in injuries.

According to a census prepared by Agence France-Presse, on Friday, based on official figures, more than 1.1 million deaths were recorded.

On Thursday alone, 400,000 new infections were recorded.

Officially, about 38.99 million injuries were counted, and more than 26.6 million were cured.

In Italy, 10 thousand and 10 new infections were recorded, on Friday, the largest number recorded in 24 hours.

In Belgium, a curfew was imposed from midnight until five in the morning.

All cafes and restaurants will have to be closed, starting from Monday, for at least a month.

The Prime Minister, Alexandre de Crowe, justified the measures by saying: "The numbers are doubling every week, they are rising dramatically ... it is a huge increase."

Beljka is one of the countries with a high mortality rate (more than 10 thousand and 300).

"Our hospitals are overcrowded, and the numbers are high, as they were in March when we decided to close," said Belgian Minister of Transportation, George Gilkinet.

For her part, German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged the Germans yesterday to reduce social mixing, and not travel except in the narrowest lines, making a personal appeal, after the federal government and state governments faced difficulty in reaching an agreement on methods to contain a second wave of Coronavirus infection.

"We must do everything we can to prevent the virus from spreading out of control ... every day is important," Merkel said, in her weekly video address.

Merkel explained that Germany is going through a "very dangerous stage" of the pandemic, "and the number of new infections is increasing tremendously, day after day," noting that the pandemic has spread rapidly again, faster than it was in the beginning, more than half ago. Public.

Merkel added: "The relatively calm summer has passed, and now we are heading to difficult months, what will winter be, and how our Christmas will be. This is what will be determined during the coming days and weeks, and this is what we will all determine through our actions."

"We have to go further," Merkel said.

I appeal to you to "meet with fewer people, whether at home or abroad .. Please give up any trip that is not completely necessary, every party is not completely necessary .. Stay home as often as possible."

Although infection rates in Germany were lower than in most parts of Europe, they accelerated and reached a daily record high, reaching 7,830 yesterday, according to the Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases.

The number of registered deaths rose to 9,767, after 33 new deaths were recorded.

Last week, German leaders were unable to reach a consensus on taking strong new measures to contain the second wave of "Covid-19".

At the same time, courts in several regions canceled the ban on visitors coming from hot spots of disease in hotels.

Politicians and health experts have appealed to residents to take voluntary measures, in addition to those already established, such as wearing masks, avoiding close contact with others, and washing hands.

In Spain, the total number of confirmed cases of the new Corona virus reached 936,560 cases, yesterday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University, and Bloomberg News.

The data showed that the total deaths in Spain, as a result of infection with the virus, reached 33,775 deaths.

Slovakia recorded 1968 new infections with the new Corona virus, yesterday, a day after breaking the daily record for new infections, recording 2,075 cases, Friday, according to data from the Ministry of Health.

In light of the high records, the Slovak Medical Association sounded the alarm.

The President of the Medical Association, Marian Kollar, told reporters in Bratislava that the situation of workers in some hospitals is starting to become dangerous, or even critical.

In Moscow, the Russian Center for Combating the Corona Epidemic announced yesterday that 279 new deaths were recorded, and 14,922 cases of the virus, during the past twenty-four hours.

And the number of injuries recorded a decrease, compared to the daily toll that was announced, Friday, which exceeded 15 thousand injuries, for the first time since the start of the epidemic, according to what was reported by the website "RT Arabic" (Russia Today).

According to the latest figures and official statistics, the death toll in Russia has increased since the start of the epidemic to one million and 384 thousand and 235 injured, and the total number of deaths has reached 24002, so far.

And 8617 people recovered within the last 24 hours, bringing the total of those recovering across Russia to one million and 651 thousand and 99, since the start of the outbreak.

Russia recorded a low death rate, compared to other countries, and although it ranks fourth in terms of the number of injuries, after the United States, India and Brazil, it ranks 13th in terms of the number of deaths.

In Brazil, the number of confirmed cases of the emerging coronavirus rose to 5.2 million yesterday, according to data from Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg News.

The number of deaths due to the virus reached 153,214, as of yesterday morning.

The number of people recovering from "Corona" settled at 4.53 million.

Germany records the highest daily number of injuries ... and Merkel urges to reduce mixing and travel.

Brazil: A total of 5.2 million Corona injuries, and 153,214 deaths.

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