Teller Report

Marshal Zhukov's name will be returned to Heavenly Hundred Avenue in Odessa

10/17/2020, 6:18:50 PM

In Odessa, Marshal Zhukov Avenue and 25th Chapayevskaya Division Street will be returned to their former names, which were changed as part of decommunization, the city mayor Gennady Trukhanov said.

“We are continuing the procedure for returning the previous names to Odessa streets.

We have another victory in this matter: the city historical and toponymic commission supported my appeal and decided to return the previous names to Marshal Zhukov Avenue and 25th Chapaevskaya Division Street, "Trukhanov TASS quotes.

The mayor recalled that these streets were previously renamed by the former head of the Odessa region, Mikhail Saakashvili.

In particular, Zhukov Avenue was named Heavenly Hundred Avenue.

Trukhanov noted that there are legal grounds for the return of the names, and Georgy Zhukov does not fall under the law on decommunization, as he was a fighter against fascism.

“The same applies to the street of the 25th Chapaevskaya Division - the legendary formation that defended our city from the occupiers during the war years,” the mayor said.

In February, the Kharkiv City Council again voted to return Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov to Pyotr Grigorenko Avenue.