Teller Report

Last resort - hunger strike to talk to the municipal council

10/17/2020, 8:06:50 PM

Last week, the homeowner Charlotte Åkerlind went on hunger strike outside the Cathedral in Kalmar to get attention about her situation and to talk to municipal councilor Johan Persson (S).

- I did not feel that I had any alternative.

Sitting there was my last resort, says Charlotte Åkerlind.

- Water has rushed into the house with every rain and I just felt that I had done everything I could to get help.

With her on the hunger strike, she had all her belongings in bags.

- The rest of what I own has been destroyed by the rainwater that flowed into the house every time it rained.

Got to meet the municipal council

The day after she began her hunger strike, she and municipal councilor Johan Persson (S) met.

The meeting lasted for two hours.

- Everyone has said that it is Johan Persson who decides in this town, so then I wanted to meet him.

In any case, I feel satisfied that I got to express my opinions and tell you about my house.

For eight years, I have fought to get help so that water does not flow into the house every time it rains, says Charlotte Åkerlind.

- She told and I listened to this whole story, says municipal councilor Johan Persson (S)

- It was important for her to be able to tell and interesting to take part in.

And I also brought with me people who are authority authorities in this context, because they are the ones who decide what the municipality should do for efforts, says Johan Persson (S)

Has Kalmar municipality really done everything it should in this case?

- It is very difficult to answer, future investigations will show.

But I know that a lot of effort and energy has been put into this matter, says Johan Persson (S).