Teller Report

274 citizens with skills and talents register for “my experiences”

10/17/2020, 8:04:54 PM

The Dubai Government Human Resources Department reported that 274 skilled and talented citizens registered in the “My Experience” platform for self-employment, and most of the registered talents are concentrated in design, consultants and experts. The Director of the National Capabilities Department in the Dubai Government's Human Resources Department, Aisha Al

Among them are consultants, experts and specialists in the field of design

274 citizens with skills and talents register for “my experiences”

The Dubai Government Human Resources Department reported that 274 skilled and talented citizens have registered on the “My Experiences” platform for self-employment, and most of the registered talents are focused on design, consultants and experts.

The Director of the National Capabilities Department at the Human Resources Department of the Government of Dubai, Aisha Al-Mahyas, told «Emirates Today», that the skills and talents of the citizens that were registered as consultants, including legal and engineers, focused on experts in academic training specialties in the field of change leadership in the government sector, and various skills and experiences in The field of human resources and recruitment, and talent acquisition.

She explained that the "My Experiences" platform is a platform for self-employment, which aims to highlight citizens with skills and talents, and to invest in providing services in an easy and smooth manner, and to provide innovative marketing services, with continuous follow-up to develop the skills of its participants, and the platform will serve all categories of citizens, including Including senior citizens, retirees, people of determination, and housewives, the link between the department and Emirati skills-holders of all ages, from inside and outside the country, as it allows governmental and international bodies to easily access them, get acquainted with the projects proposed through them, deal with them and provide support for any project In which.

Al-Mahyas confirmed that the number of those wishing to register on the platform is open, and there is no specific ceiling, and independents will be given a free work certificate approved after registering on the platform, and the department will also conduct training programs at a rate of once a month, for independents, to introduce them to the platform, the method of registering services, and how to deal with buyers And informing them more about the terms and conditions on the platform, in addition to another program for the participating entities, where they are introduced to the method of announcing their requests, the method of dealing with independents, and the method of purchase.

She stated that the department has recently agreed with the Knowledge and Human Development Authority in Dubai and the Department of Tourism to hold special workshops for employees, with the aim of introducing the platform, the method of registration, the method of presenting services, and encouraging them to display their skills and talents through the platform.

The “My Experiences” platform provides innovative solutions to the challenges facing free-skilled people, and helps them highlight their capabilities in various sectors, by linking entrepreneurs and companies with free talent from among the country's citizens directly and without intermediaries, which would empower the free talent and create more Of opportunities for them, as well as strengthening public-private partnerships, and employing knowledge and technological development to consolidate the sustainable growth of the Emirate of Dubai.

Dubai Resources emphasized that the platform contributes to enabling creative thinking, exploring promising future opportunities and creating solutions, and preparing world-class leaders to promote economic, social and human development in the UAE and the world, which establishes Dubai and the country as a global destination for entrepreneurs, founders of emerging projects and those with innovative creative ideas. Especially as the department is working on building and developing Emirati leaders capable of leading projects, through specialized programs to qualify cadres in the governmental and private sectors, administratively, technically and professionally, as the platform combines free competencies, creators and independent professionals, and allows them to communicate directly with each other without intermediaries, Opportunities, and creating new work spaces for competencies that are compatible with the economies of knowledge and free services that the world is heading towards adopting massively.

14 major categories of services

The "My Experience" platform displays 14 main categories of services, 237 sub-services emerge from them. The main services include sectors: design and graphics, e-marketing, sales, writing and translation, visuals and animation, music and audio, programming and technology, business, lifestyle, engineering and engineering. Architecture, Finance, Legal, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Human Resources.

"My Experience" is a freelance platform that aims to showcase citizens with skills and talents.

"My expertise" provides innovative solutions to the challenges of skill holders.

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