Teller Report

Teacher showing Muhammad cartoon beheaded on street in France

10/16/2020, 11:37:01 PM

There was a beheading yesterday in local time on a street near Paris, France. Daily Le Parisian and BFM broadcasts reported that such an incident occurred near the school in Saint Tonorine, Conplan, Yvlin, around 5 pm.

A beheading incident occurred yesterday (16th) local time on a street near Paris, France.

Daily Le Parisian and BFM broadcasts reported that such an incident occurred near the school in Saint Tonorine, Conplan, Yvlin, around 5 pm.

The victim is a history teacher, and police said they held a discussion on a caricature based on the Islamic prophet Muhammad in order to teach freedom of expression during class on the 5th.

The police ordered the suspect running away with a weapon to put down the weapon, but did not follow it and resisted it, killing him.

The police also suspected that the suspect was wearing an explosives vest and closed the area around and mobilized an explosives disposal team to search.

The identity of the suspect has yet to be identified.

However, local media estimates that the suspect was born in 2002 and is from Moscow, Russia.

The suspect, after the crime, posted on Twitter that he executed a demon who neglected Muhammad along with a picture of the victim's scene.

The French prosecutors for terrorism saw the case as "a murder linked to a terrorist organization" and initiated an investigation.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)

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