Teller Report

Jiangsu University notified the death of a student: falling from a building to rule out homicide

10/15/2020, 4:52:46 PM

  China News Service, October 16th. On the evening of October 15, Jiangsu University notified the death of a student on its official Weibo. On October 12, a student from the School of Food and Biological Engineering of Jiangsu University fell from the bathroom on the 6th floor of the main building A and died. The police investigation concluded that "falling from a high altitude, ruled out homicide

  China News Service, October 16th. On the evening of October 15, Jiangsu University notified the death of a student on its official Weibo.

On October 12, a student from the School of Food and Biological Engineering of Jiangsu University fell from the bathroom on the 6th floor of the main building A and died.

The police investigation concluded that "falling from a high altitude, ruled out homicide."

Official announcement