Teller Report

How does Corcuera's defibrillator work and what does it consist of?

10/15/2020, 3:39:48 PM

A threat of heart attack live, that of former Interior Minister José Luis Corcuera and on the set of Espejo Público. An impression scene that made you abandon the interview

A threat of heart attack live, that of former Interior Minister José Luis Corcuera and on the set of Espejo Público.

A scene of impression that has made him leave the interview that the presenter Susana Griso was conducting.

While presenting his arguments, he had to stop and put his hand to his chest.

After a few seconds he was able to explain his situation: "We have to stop, the defibrillator has worked for me, I'm sorry."

What does it mean that your defibrillator has worked?

That in the face of an altered heart rhythm, the device that is implanted has been put into operation with electric shocks that can be disturbing at the time.

However, they are a sign that the implantable cardioverter defibrillator is effectively treating the heart rhythm problem and protecting the affected person from sudden death.

What is an internal defibrillator and how does it work?

It is a device that is composed of a pulse generator, electrodes and most of the time it has a pacemaker included.

Its mission is to detect any abnormal heart beat, called arrhythmia.

When this happens, the implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) immediately delivers an electrical shock to the heart, restoring the heart's normal rhythm.

This process is known as defibrillation.

In what cases are they used?

Its goal is to treat ventricular arrhythmias that include ventricular fibrillation (when the heartbeat is so erratic that it prevents the heart from pumping enough blood to the rest of the body) or sustained ventricular tachycardia (dangerously fast beats).

This means that it is especially supportive in cases where the heartbeat is unstable and dangerous for the patient.

How is it implanted?

It is the cardiologist or a surgeon who is responsible for inserting this device.

The chest area below the clavicle is numbed with anesthesia, an incision is made so that the electrode can be inserted into a vein and into the heart.

Then they are connected to the pulse generator and pacemaker.

It takes an average of two to three hours to complete this surgical procedure.

How long does the battery last?

The internal defibrillator contains a lithium battery that can last up to seven years.

During this time, your doctor will review you at each of the regular check-ups that are performed every six months.

When the battery is running low, there is no need for another surgical procedure.

The shock generator will be replaced with a new one which will be done as a minor outpatient procedure.

Is it effective?

Implantable cardioverter defibrillators are increasingly being used in people at high risk of cardiac arrest.

They reduce the chances of sudden death and help prolong the lives of many people with congenital heart disease.

The scientific literature emphasizes that they are especially safe and reliable.

What precautions should a person follow with these types of devices?

During the four weeks following the surgical intervention to perform the implant, the patient should avoid intense exercises that involve movements over the shoulder, such as tennis, swimming, cycling ... Neither will they be able to lift heavy objects or do contact sports.

And in the long term, although electrical interference is rare, it is advisable to take precautions with mobile phones, headphones or magnets (keep them at least 15 centimeters from the implant location.

Can you drive?

American Heart Association guidelines advise against driving for the first six months after the surgical procedure.

If there is no shock from the defibrillator during that time, it is possible to drive again.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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