Teller Report

The lowest temperature in Beijing this morning is 3.8℃

10/14/2020, 11:49:12 PM

  China Weather News is cold! This morning (October 15), the lowest temperature in the southern suburbs of Beijing Observatory was only 3.8℃. It is expected that the temperature will gradually rise in the morning and the highest temperature will reach 18℃ in the afternoon. There will be small showers in the mountainous area at night. Until the weekend, the weather in Beijing was mainly sunny, with

  China Weather News is cold!

This morning (October 15), the lowest temperature in the southern suburbs of Beijing Observatory was only 3.8℃. It is expected that the temperature will gradually rise in the morning and the highest temperature will reach 18℃ in the afternoon. There will be small showers in the mountainous area at night.

Until the weekend, the weather in Beijing was mainly sunny, with a large temperature difference between day and night.

  Yesterday, Beijing Sunshine Online, but it was very chilly. The highest temperature at the Southern Suburb Observatory was only 13.4℃, which was a significant drop compared with the highest temperature of 21.3℃ on the 13th.

This morning, the temperature in Beijing was still "frozen". As of 6:15, the lowest temperature in the southern suburbs observatory was 3.8℃.

  The Beijing Meteorological Observatory predicts that the daytime will change from sunny to cloudy, the north will turn to southerly, the highest temperature is 18℃; the night will be cloudy, the mountain will have small showers to clear, the south will turn northerly, the lowest temperature will be 8℃.

The temperature at work is between 5°C and 9°C, and I feel cold.

  Until the weekend, the weather in Beijing was mainly sunny to cloudy, with little fluctuations in temperature, but the temperature difference between day and night was large, the lowest temperature at night was in single digits, and the highest temperature in the afternoon could reach about 20°C.

  Meteorological experts reminded that the recent low temperature will increase the chill in the morning and evening. The public should pay attention to keeping warm when going out to prevent colds and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

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