Teller Report

Deng Bingqiang: Don't be afraid of US sanctions and stick to the original intention of law

10/14/2020, 2:14:20 PM

  The US State Department and the Treasury Department announced on August 7 sanctions against 11 officials of the Chinese central government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the so-called "undermining Hong Kong's autonomy." A few days ago, Hong Kong Police Commissioner Deng Bingqiang said in an exclusive interview with China News Agency that the US sanctions are meaningless. Ed

  The US State Department and the Treasury Department announced on August 7 sanctions against 11 officials of the Chinese central government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the so-called "undermining Hong Kong's autonomy."

A few days ago, Hong Kong Police Commissioner Deng Bingqiang said in an exclusive interview with China News Agency that the US sanctions are meaningless.

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]