Teller Report

An investigation opened on a dentist from Lyon described as "Nazi"

10/14/2020, 3:36:53 PM

Photos of the young woman were retrieved from her Instagram account and published on Twitter by the anti-fascist group in Lyon

A Twitter user (illustration).


Clément Follain / 20 Minutes

  • A young dentist from Lyon has been pinned on social networks for her tattoos to the glory of the Third Reich.

  • It is the antifascite group of Lyon which recovered photos posted on Instagram to post them on the walls of the dental office and on Twitter.

  • Two investigations were opened by the Lyon prosecutor's office for “invasion of privacy” and “incitement to racial hatred”.

“The dentist in your neighborhood is a Nazi”.

The message was plastered by anti-fascist activists in Lyon on the walls of a dental center in Sathonay-Camp and on social networks to denounce the tattoos of a practitioner.

Her cabinet has since decided to fire her, while the Lyon prosecutor's office has opened an investigation.

Photos retrieved from the Instagram account of this young woman working in a firm in Sathonay-Camp, near Lyon, were published on Twitter on Tuesday by the “Lyon antifa group” and reported by the LyonMag information site.

Totenkopf and Zyklon B

They show several tattoos to the glory of the Third Reich including one on the back of the neck reproducing the "Totenkopf" (death's head in German), insignia of the 3rd SS division which prevailed in particular in the concentration camps of the Nazi regime.

Another on the arm reproducing a bottle of "Zyklon B", the deadly poison used in gas chambers.

An investigation has been opened by the Lyon prosecutor's office on a young dentist pinned on social networks because of her tattoos in honor of the Third Reich - Twitter Antifascist Group of Lyon

"A Nazi dentist is absolutely against the very idea of ​​medicine", judges the group "antifa" on its website.

The person, identified by name by the "antifas", has since deleted her Instagram account.

The cabinet, one of the three of the Labelia group in the Lyon region, lodged a complaint Wednesday "to identify the authors of this smear campaign".

The group deplores “the media campaign carried out since yesterday which, independently of its object and the aim pursued, causes unacceptable potential collateral damage to the image of Labelia”.

Two investigations opened

The dentist had already lodged a complaint on Tuesday and an investigation was opened "on the count of invasion of privacy with a view to disturbing the peace of others", according to the Lyon prosecutor's office which at the same time opened an investigation for "provocation to the racial hatred ”, this time targeting the tattoos worn by the young woman.

Labelia's management ensures that she was not aware of "these tattoos or their meaning" before their revelation.

She summoned the dentist, employed for over a year, appreciated by her patients and colleagues, "to understand precisely the context in which her tattoos were made and the meaning she attributes to them".

In view of the explanations provided, the group decided to part with it "with immediate effect", a statement said.

The council of the Order of dental surgeons of the Rhône, for its part, summoned the practitioner on Thursday.

The body does not have to know the political opinions of its members, "unless it harms the ethics or the honor of the profession", explains its president, Alain Chantreau.

"What is detrimental is to display yourself with tattoos like that on a social network open to everyone, showing oneself in his treatment room and in professional attire," considers the manager.

"We have a call to order to make him and depending on his answers, we will decide on possible disciplinary proceedings", concludes Alain Chantreau.


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  • Lyon

  • Nazi

  • Dentist

  • Nazism

  • Justice

  • Investigation

  • Society