Teller Report

A newspaper reveals the details of Mahmoud Yassin's illness before his death

10/14/2020, 1:51:53 PM

Egyptian media revealed the details of the last days of the life of the late artist Mahmoud Yassin, who passed away this morning, about 79 years old. The Egyptian newspaper Al-Watan quoted a source as saying that the artist Mahmoud Yassin suffered from severe pneumonia days before his death. , Necessitated moving it to

A newspaper reveals the details of Mahmoud Yassin's illness before his death

Egyptian media revealed the details of the last days of the life of the late artist Mahmoud Yassin, who passed away this morning, at the age of 79.

The Egyptian newspaper "Al-Watan" quoted a source as saying that "the artist Mahmoud Yassin suffered from severe pneumonia days before his death, which necessitated his transfer to a private hospital for treatment."

The source added that "doctors decided to detain him in the intensive care room," adding that "this incident was not the first to which he was exposed in recent times."

The artist Mahmoud Yassin died in the early hours of Wednesday morning, at the age of 79, according to what his son Amr Mahmoud Yassin announced.

Mahmoud Yassin's last work was the movie “Gedo Habibi” and co-starring Ahmed Fahmy, Bushra and Lubna Abdulaziz, and it was shown in 2012.

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