Teller Report

General Administration of Customs: Imported pork increased by 132.2% in the first three quarters

10/13/2020, 4:31:50 AM

  Chinanews Client, October 13th (Li Xiaoyu and Li Jinlei) On October 13, the General Administration of Customs released data showing that in the first three quarters, imports of soybeans and meat increased rapidly, of which 74.529 million tons of imported soybeans, an increase of 15.5 %; imported pork was 3.286 million tons, an increase of 132.2%; imported beef was 1.572 million tons, an increase

  Chinanews Client, October 13th (Li Xiaoyu and Li Jinlei) On October 13, the General Administration of Customs released data showing that in the first three quarters, imports of soybeans and meat increased rapidly, of which 74.529 million tons of imported soybeans, an increase of 15.5 %; imported pork was 3.286 million tons, an increase of 132.2%; imported beef was 1.572 million tons, an increase of 38.8%.

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