Teller Report

Yoann Joubert, future boss of the Nantes women's handball club

10/12/2020, 6:46:09 PM

The CEO of the Réalités group will succeed Arnaud Ponroy, current president of the NAHBYoann Joubert, Arnaud Ponroy and Guillaume Saurina, NAHB coach. - David Phelippeau / 20 Minutes Yoann Joubert, CEO of the Réalités group (real estate developer), will invest in the Nantes women's hand club. Arnaud Ponroy, at the head of the club for ten years, will gradually retire. The club will switch to SAS and Yoann Joubert must become its big boss before June. We had heard much less about him

Yoann Joubert, Arnaud Ponroy and Guillaume Saurina, NAHB coach.


David Phelippeau / 20 Minutes

  • Yoann Joubert, CEO of the Réalités group (real estate developer), will invest in the Nantes women's hand club.

  • Arnaud Ponroy, at the head of the club for ten years, will gradually retire.

  • The club will switch to SAS and Yoann Joubert must become its big boss before June.

We had heard much less about him in the region for almost two years, and the abandonment of the real estate component of the YelloPark project (a future brand new stadium in Nantes).

Yoann Joubert, CEO of the Réalités group (real estate company) who joined forces with the late YelloPark project (in 2017) with FCN president Waldemar Kita, is due to become the new big boss of the NAHB no later than next summer. , elite women's hand club.

Arnaud Ponroy, at the head of the club for ten years, will gradually retire.

"It's a bright future for the NAHB," said the latter, Monday evening, at a press conference.

The club needs to develop.

He struggles to break the glass ceiling that separates him from tenors like Brest or Metz.

The leaders therefore decided to separate the professional structure of the club from the association (with the amateur teams), to create a simplified limited company (SAS).

Which will be 51% controlled by Réalités, 34% by the association (amateur party) and 15% by Azimut (Ponroy company).

A validation of the passage in SAS on November 3

All this must nevertheless be validated on November 3 during a general assembly.

If this was not the case, Arnaud Ponroy clearly indicated that it would be "the death of the club" because he would retire and Yoann Joubert, the boss of Réalités could not come ...

The handover is scheduled "between January 1 and June 30," according to Ponroy.

For the next two seasons (the current one and the next), the budget will be the same, that is to say around 1.8 million euros.

"We want to have financial stability and we are not going in the direction of immediate budgetary inflation," Joubert explained.

The objective is to consolidate the territorial anchoring of the club and for the NAHB to have a real identity.

"A club which had been for ten years" on a drip from Azimut and its subsidiaries ", in Ponroy's own words.

The leaders do not wish to set a deadline, but this change in governance and economic model of the NAHB must "take the club to new heights and bring it closer to the greatest in Europe".


FC Nantes: Yoann Joubert is still thinking of the new stadium, but also of the club's resumption


YelloPark in Nantes: The Réalités group and Yoann Joubert, big losers of the day

  • Handball

  • Nantes