Teller Report

VIDEO. Kim Kardashian helps victims of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

10/12/2020, 2:08:02 PM

The star encouraged her fans to get involved tooReality Star Kim Kardashian - Face to Face / Starface The star of Armenian origin Kim Kardashian has decided to get involved directly to help populations affected by the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. In an Instagram post, the businesswoman announced a significant donation to the Armenia Fund, to help provide food and medical care for victims and refugees.

Reality Star Kim Kardashian -

Face to Face / Starface

The star of Armenian origin Kim Kardashian has decided to get involved directly to help populations affected by the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

In an Instagram post, the businesswoman announced a significant donation to the Armenia Fund, to help provide food and medical care for victims and refugees.

“I am very honored to be part of today's global effort to support @ armeniafund.

I spoke about the current situation in Armenia and Artsakh and spoke with so many others to raise more awareness of this crisis which we cannot let go.

My thoughts and prayers are with these brave men, women and children.

I want everyone to remember that, despite the distance between us, we are not limited by borders and we form a global Armenian nation together, ”she explained in her message.

A family matter

Kim Kardashian's sisters, Khloe and Kourtney, posted similar messages, along with videos.

Robert Kardashian's daughters are Armenian on their father's side, and have never hidden their involvement for causes dear to the community.

In her post, Kanye West's wife encourages her fans to donate too.

“I am going to donate a million dollars to support their efforts on the ground and I invite you to join me.

Whether you are just helping to raise awareness and posting on social media or donating just $ 1, every step helps, ”she concluded.

More than 450 deaths have been officially recorded since the resumption of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, a record which is undoubtedly largely undervalued.


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  • Armenia

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  • Kim kardashian

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