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Vatican: Pope Francis receives Cardinal Pell after his acquittal

10/12/2020, 6:34:09 PM

Australian Cardinal George Pell was received in private at the Vatican by Pope Francis on Monday, October 12. The two men had not seen each other for three years and the accusations of pedophilia ...

Vatican: Pope Francis receives Cardinal Pell after his acquittal

Pope Francis and Australian Cardinal George Pell in the Vatican on October 12, 2020. Vatican News via AP

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Australian Cardinal George Pell was received in private at the Vatican by Pope Francis on Monday, October 12.

The two men had not seen each other for three years and the accusations of pedophilia weighing on the cardinal, former prefect for the Vatican economy.

This audience is the mark of the sovereign pontiff's voluntarism on financial reforms.


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With our correspondent in the Vatican,

Éric Sénanque

Throughout the duration of the Australian cardinal's trial, the Vatican had cautiously stayed in the background, only repeatedly recalling its trust in Australian justice, ensuring that it was awaiting " 

the final verification of the facts

 " accused of the former Archbishop of Melbourne.


acquitted of the acts of pedophilia for

which he was accused, the Australian cardinal, whom Pope Francis had called on his side in 2014 to reform the Vatican's economy, seems to be coming back in favor.

Even if at 79 he should not take up any new functions within the Curia, this morning's audience takes on a particular significance.

Financial scandals in the Vatican

It comes as new financial scandals splash the Holy See and have led to the ousting of Cardinal Becciù, the former number two of the Secretary of State, accused of embezzlement and nepotism.

Pope Francis does not hide his desire to speed up the consolidation of Vatican finances.

For three years, Cardinal Pell is the one who embodied this voluntarism on financial matters, and created enemies internally.

Sign of these internal rivalries, shortly after the sidelining of Cardinal Becciù, the Australian cardinal had welcomed on Twitter the " 

recent developments

 " driven by Pope Francis.

I hope that the cleaning of the stables will continue

 " he specified. 


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